#ifndef _TYPES_H
#define _TYPES_H
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include <tuple>
#if defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__) and not defined(_WIN32)
#define __AQ__HAS__INT128__
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define __restrict__ __restrict
template <class T>
constexpr static inline bool is_vector(const T&) {
return false;
template <class T>
struct is_vector_impl : std::false_type {};
template <class T>
constexpr static bool is_vector_type = is_vector_impl<T>::value;
namespace types {
enum Type_t {
static constexpr const char* printf_str[] = { "%d", "%f", "%s", "%lf", "%Lf", "%ld", "%d", "%hi", "%s", "%s", "%c",
"%u", "%lu", "%s", "%hu", "%hhu", "%s", "%s", "Vector<%s>", "%s", "NULL", "ERROR" };
static constexpr const char* SQL_Type[] = { "INT", "REAL", "TEXT", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "BIGINT", "HUGEINT", "SMALLINT", "DATE", "TIME", "TINYINT",
// TODO: deal with data/time <=> str/uint conversion
struct date_t {
unsigned char day = 0;
unsigned char month = 0;
short year = 0;
date_t() = default;
date_t(unsigned char day, unsigned char month, short year) :
day(day), month(month), year(year) {}
date_t(const char*);
date_t& fromString(const char*);
bool validate() const;
constexpr static unsigned string_length() {
return 11;
char* toString(char* buf) const;
bool operator > (const date_t&) const;
bool operator < (const date_t&) const;
bool operator >= (const date_t&) const;
bool operator <= (const date_t&) const;
bool operator == (const date_t&) const;
bool operator != (const date_t&) const;
struct time_t {
unsigned int ms = 0;
unsigned char seconds = 0;
unsigned char minutes = 0;
unsigned char hours = 0;
time_t() = default;
time_t(unsigned int ms, unsigned char seconds, unsigned char minutes, unsigned char hours) :
ms(ms), seconds(seconds), minutes(minutes), hours(hours) {};
time_t(const char*);
time_t& fromString(const char*);
bool validate() const;
constexpr static unsigned string_length() {
return 16;
char* toString(char* buf) const;
bool operator > (const time_t&) const;
bool operator < (const time_t&) const;
bool operator >= (const time_t&) const;
bool operator <= (const time_t&) const;
bool operator == (const time_t&) const;
bool operator != (const time_t&) const;
struct timestamp_t {
date_t date;
time_t time;
timestamp_t() = default;
timestamp_t(const date_t& d, const time_t& t) : date(d), time(t) {}
timestamp_t(const char*);
timestamp_t& fromString(const char*);
bool validate() const;
constexpr static unsigned string_length() {
return date_t::string_length() + time_t::string_length();
char* toString(char* buf) const;
bool operator > (const timestamp_t&) const;
bool operator < (const timestamp_t&) const;
bool operator >= (const timestamp_t&) const;
bool operator <= (const timestamp_t&) const;
bool operator == (const timestamp_t&) const;
bool operator != (const timestamp_t&) const;
template <typename T>
struct Types {
typedef T type;
constexpr Types() noexcept = default;
#ifdef __AQ__HAS__INT128__
#define F_INT128(__F_) __F_(__int128_t, AINT128) \
__F_(__uint128_t, AUINT128)
#define ULL_Type __uint128_t
#define LL_Type __int128_t
#define F_INT128(__F_)
#define ULL_Type unsigned long long
#define LL_Type long long
#define ConnectTypes(f) \
f(int, AINT32) \
f(float, AFLOAT) \
f(const char*, ASTR) \
f(double, ADOUBLE) \
f(long double, ALDOUBLE) \
f(long, AINT64) \
f(short, AINT16) \
f(date_t, ADATE) \
f(time_t, ATIME) \
f(unsigned char, AINT8) \
f(unsigned int, AUINT32) \
f(unsigned long, AUINT64) \
f(unsigned short, AUINT16) \
f(unsigned char, AUINT8) \
f(bool, ABOOL) \
f(timestamp_t, ATIMESTAMP) \
inline constexpr static Type_t getType() {
#define TypeConnect(x, y) if constexpr(std::is_same<x, T>::value) return y; else
if constexpr (is_vector_type<T>)
return VECTOR;
return NONE;
#define ATypeSize(t, at) sizeof(t),
static constexpr size_t AType_sizes[] = { ConnectTypes(ATypeSize) 1 };
#define Cond(c, x, y) typename std::conditional<c, x, y>::type
#define Comp(o) (sizeof(T1) o sizeof(T2))
#define Same(x, y) (std::is_same_v<x, y>)
#define __U(x) std::is_unsigned<x>::value
#define Fp(x) std::is_floating_point<x>::value
template <class T1, class T2>
struct Coercion {
using t1 = Cond(Comp(<= ), Cond(Comp(== ), Cond(Fp(T1), T1, Cond(Fp(T2), T2, Cond(__U(T1), T2, T1))), T2), T1);
using t2 = Cond(Same(T1, T2), T1, Cond(Same(T1, const char*) || Same(T2, const char*), const char*, void));
using type = Cond(Same(t2, void), Cond(Same(T1, date_t) && Same(T2, time_t) || Same(T1, time_t) && Same(T2, time_t), void, t1), t2);
#define __Eq(x) (sizeof(T) == sizeof(x))
template<class T>
struct GetFPTypeImpl {
using type = Cond(__Eq(float), float, Cond(__Eq(double), double, double));
template<class T>
using GetFPType = typename GetFPTypeImpl<typename std::decay<T>::type>::type;
template<class T>
struct GetLongTypeImpl {
using type = Cond(__U(T), ULL_Type, Cond(Fp(T), double, LL_Type));
template<class T>
using GetLongType = typename GetLongTypeImpl<typename std::decay<T>::type>::type;
template<class T>
struct GetLongerTypeImpl {
using type = Cond(
__U(T), Cond(__Eq(char), unsigned short,
Cond(__Eq(short), unsigned int,
Cond(__Eq(int), unsigned long long,
Cond(Fp(T), double,
Cond(__Eq(char), short,
Cond(__Eq(short), int,
Cond(__Eq(int), long,
template<class T>
using GetLongerType = typename GetLongerTypeImpl<typename std::decay<T>::type>::type;
struct astring_view {
const unsigned char* str = 0;
#if defined(__clang__) || !defined(__GNUC__)
astring_view(const char* str) noexcept :
str((const unsigned char*)(str)) {}
#if defined(__clang__) || !defined(__GNUC__)
astring_view(const signed char* str) noexcept :
str((const unsigned char*)(str)) {}
astring_view(const unsigned char* str) noexcept :
str(str) {}
constexpr astring_view() noexcept = default;
bool operator==(const astring_view& r) const {
auto this_str = str;
auto other_str = r.str;
while (*this_str && *other_str) {
if (*this_str != *other_str)
return false;
return !(*this_str || *other_str);
bool operator >(const astring_view& r) const {
operator const char* () const {
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(str);
operator const unsigned char* () const {
return reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(str);
operator const signed char* () const {
return reinterpret_cast<const signed char*>(str);
template<class T>
constexpr bool is_cstr() {
using namespace std;
typedef decay_t<T> dT;
return is_same_v<dT, const char*> ||
is_same_v<dT, char*> ||
is_same_v<dT, const signed char*> ||
is_same_v<dT, signed char*> ||
is_same_v<dT, const unsigned char*> ||
is_same_v<dT, unsigned char*> ||
is_same_v<dT, astring_view>;
#define getT(i, t) std::tuple_element_t<i, std::tuple<t...>>
template <template<typename ...> class T, typename ...Types>
struct applyTemplates {
using type = T<Types...>;
template <class lT, template <typename ...> class rT>
struct transTypes_s;
template <template<typename ...> class lT, typename ...T, template<typename ...> class rT>
struct transTypes_s<lT<T...>, rT> {
using type = rT<T...>;
// static_assert(std::is_same<transTypes<std::tuple<int, float>, std::unordered_map>, std::unordered_map<int, float>>::value);
template <class lT, template <typename ...> class rT>
using transTypes = typename transTypes_s<lT, rT>::type;
template <class ...Types>
struct record_types {};
template <class ...Types>
using record = std::tuple<Types...>;
template <class T>
struct decayS {
using type = typename std::decay<T>::type;
template<template<typename ...> class T, typename ...Types>
struct decayS <T<Types...>> {
using type = T<typename std::decay<Types>::type ...>;
template <class T>
using decays = typename decayS<typename std::decay<T>::type>::type;
template <class T>
using decay_inner = typename decayS<T>::type;
template <class, template <class...> class T>
struct instance_of_impl : std::false_type {};
template <class ...T1, template <class ...> class T2>
struct instance_of_impl<T2<T1...>, T2> : std::true_type {};
template <class T1, class T2>
struct same_class_impl : std::false_type {};
template <class ...T1s, class ...T2s, template <class...> class T1>
struct same_class_impl<T1<T1s...>, T1<T2s...>> : std::true_type {};
template <class T1, class T2>
bool same_class = same_class_impl<T1, T2>::value;
template <class T1, template <class...> class T2>
bool instance_of = instance_of_impl<T1, T2>::value;
template <class lT, template <typename ...> class rT>
using transTypes = typename transTypes_s<lT, rT>::type;
template <class lT, class vT, template <vT ...> class rT>
struct transValues_s;
template <class vT, template<class, vT ...> class lT, vT ...T, template<vT ...> class rT>
struct transValues_s<lT<vT, T...>, vT, rT> {
using type = rT<T...>;
#include <utility>
template <class vT, int i, template <vT ...> class rT>
using transValues = typename transValues_s<std::make_integer_sequence<vT, i>, vT, rT>::type;
template <int i, template <int ...> class rT>
using applyIntegerSequence = typename transValues_s<std::make_integer_sequence<int, i>, int, rT>::type;
template <template <class ...> class T, class ...Types>
struct decayed_impl { typedef T<Types...> type; };
template <template <typename ...> class VT, class ...Types>
using decayed_t = typename decayed_impl<VT, Types...>::type;
template <class First = void, class...Rest>
struct get_first_impl {
typedef First first;
constexpr static size_t rest_len = sizeof...(Rest);
typedef get_first_impl<Rest...> rest;
template <class ...T>
using get_first = typename get_first_impl<T...>::first;
template <class T>
struct value_type_impl { typedef T type; };
template <template <class...> class VT, class ...V>
struct value_type_impl<VT<V...>> { typedef get_first<V...> type; };
template <class T>
using value_type = typename value_type_impl<T>::type;
template <class ...T>
using get_first = typename get_first_impl<T...>::first;
template <class T>
struct value_type_rec_impl { typedef T type; };
template <template <class...> class VT, class ...V>
struct value_type_rec_impl<VT<V...>> { typedef typename value_type_rec_impl<get_first<int>>::type type; };
template <class T>
using value_type_r = typename value_type_rec_impl<T>::type;
template <class T>
struct nullval_impl { constexpr static T value = 0; };
template <class T>
constexpr static T nullval = nullval_impl<T>::value;
#include <limits>
template <>
struct nullval_impl<int> { constexpr static int value = std::numeric_limits<int>::min(); };
struct nullval_impl<float> { constexpr static float value = -std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); };
struct nullval_impl<double> { constexpr static double value = -std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); };
constexpr size_t sum_type(size_t a[], size_t sz) {
size_t ret = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
ret += a[i];
return ret;
template<class Types, class ...T1>
constexpr size_t sum_type() {
size_t t[] = { std::is_same_v<Types, T1> ... };
return sum_type(t, sizeof...(T1));
template<class ...T1, class ...Types>
constexpr size_t count_type(std::tuple<Types...>* ts) {
size_t t[] = { sum_type<Types, T1...>() ... };
return sum_type(t, sizeof...(Types));
#endif // !_TYPES_H