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from copy import deepcopy
from engine.utils import base62uuid, defval
from aquery_config import have_hge
from typing import Dict, List
3 years ago
type_table: Dict[str, "Types"] = {}
3 years ago
class Types:
def init_any(self): : str = 'Any'
self.sqlname : str = 'Int'
self.cname : str = 'void*'
self.ctype_name : str = "types::NONE"
self.null_value = 0
self.priority : int= 0
self.cast_to_dict = dict()
self.cast_from_dict = dict()
def __init__(self, priority = 0, *,
name = None, cname = None, sqlname = None,
ctype_name = None, null_value = None,
fp_type = None, long_type = None, is_fp = False,
cast_to = None, cast_from = None
self.is_fp = is_fp
if name is None:
else: = name
self.cname = defval(cname, name.lower() + '_t')
self.sqlname = defval(sqlname, name.upper())
self.ctype_name = defval(ctype_name, f'types::{name.upper()}')
self.null_value = defval(null_value, 0)
self.cast_to_dict = defval(cast_to, dict())
self.cast_from_dict = defval(cast_from, dict())
self.priority = priority
self.long_type = defval(long_type, self)
self.fp_type = defval(fp_type, self)
global type_table
type_table[name] = self
def cast_to(self, ty : "Types"):
if ty in self.cast_to_dict:
return self.cast_to_dict[](ty)
raise Exception(f'Illeagal cast: from {} to {}.')
def cast_from(self, ty : "Types"):
if ty in self.cast_from_dict:
return self.cast_from_dict[](ty)
raise Exception(f'Illeagal cast: from {} to {}.')
def __call__(self, args):
arg_str = ', '.join([a.__str__() for a in args])
ret = deepcopy(self)
ret.sqlname = self.sqlname + f'({arg_str})'
return ret
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.sqlname
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.sqlname
3 years ago
def decode(aquery_type : str, vector_type:str = 'ColRef') -> "Types":
if (aquery_type.startswith('vec')):
return VectorT(Types.decode(aquery_type[3:]), vector_type)
return type_table[aquery_type]
class TypeCollection:
def __init__(self, sz, deftype, fptype = None, utype = None, *, collection = None) -> None:
self.size = sz
self.type = deftype
self.fptype = fptype
self.utype = utype
self.all_types = [deftype]
if fptype is not None:
if utype is not None:
if collection is not None:
for ty in collection:
type_table = dict()
3 years ago
AnyT = Types(-1)
LazyT = Types(240, name = 'Lazy', cname = '', sqlname = '', ctype_name = '')
2 years ago
DateT = Types(200, name = 'DATE', cname = 'types::date_t', sqlname = 'DATE', ctype_name = 'types::ADATE')
TimeT = Types(201, name = 'TIME', cname = 'types::time_t', sqlname = 'TIME', ctype_name = 'types::ATIME')
TimeStampT = Types(202, name = 'TIMESTAMP', cname = 'types::timestamp_t', sqlname = 'TIMESTAMP', ctype_name = 'ATIMESTAMP')
DoubleT = Types(17, name = 'double', cname='double', sqlname = 'DOUBLE', is_fp = True)
LDoubleT = Types(18, name = 'long double', cname='long double', sqlname = 'LDOUBLE', is_fp = True)
FloatT = Types(16, name = 'float', cname = 'float', sqlname = 'REAL',
long_type = DoubleT, is_fp = True)
HgeT = Types(9, name = 'int128',cname='__int128_t', sqlname = 'HUGEINT', fp_type = DoubleT)
UHgeT = Types(10, name = 'uint128', cname='__uint128_t', sqlname = 'HUGEINT', fp_type = DoubleT)
LongT = Types(4, name = 'int64', sqlname = 'BIGINT', fp_type = DoubleT)
3 years ago
BoolT = Types(0, name = 'bool', sqlname = 'BOOL', long_type=LongT, fp_type=FloatT)
ByteT = Types(1, name = 'int8', sqlname = 'TINYINT', long_type=LongT, fp_type=FloatT)
ShortT = Types(2, name = 'int16', sqlname='SMALLINT', long_type=LongT, fp_type=FloatT)
IntT = Types(3, name = 'int', cname = 'int', long_type=LongT, fp_type=FloatT)
ULongT = Types(8, name = 'uint64', sqlname = 'UINT64', fp_type=DoubleT)
UIntT = Types(7, name = 'uint32', sqlname = 'UINT32', long_type=ULongT, fp_type=FloatT)
UShortT = Types(6, name = 'uint16', sqlname = 'UINT16', long_type=ULongT, fp_type=FloatT)
UByteT = Types(5, name = 'uint8', sqlname = 'UINT8', long_type=ULongT, fp_type=FloatT)
StrT = Types(200, name = 'str', cname = 'const char*', sqlname='TEXT', ctype_name = 'types::ASTR')
TextT = Types(200, name = 'text', cname = 'const char*', sqlname='TEXT', ctype_name = 'types::ASTR')
VarcharT = Types(200, name = 'varchar', cname = 'const char*', sqlname='VARCHAR', ctype_name = 'types::ASTR')
3 years ago
VoidT = Types(200, name = 'void', cname = 'void', sqlname='Null', ctype_name = 'types::None')
class VectorT(Types):
def __init__(self, inner_type : Types, vector_type:str = 'vector_type'):
3 years ago
self.inner_type = inner_type
self.vector_type = vector_type
def name(self) -> str:
return f'{self.vector_type}<{}>'
def sqlname(self) -> str:
return 'BIGINT'
3 years ago
def cname(self) -> str:
def fp_type(self) -> Types:
return VectorT(self.inner_type.fp_type, self.vector_type)
def long_type(self):
return VectorT(self.inner_type.long_type, self.vector_type)
def _ty_make_dict(fn : str, *ty : Types):
return {eval(fn):t for t in ty}
int_types : Dict[str, Types] = _ty_make_dict('t.sqlname.lower()', LongT, ByteT, ShortT, IntT)
uint_types : Dict[str, Types] = _ty_make_dict('t.sqlname.lower()', ULongT, UByteT, UShortT, UIntT)
fp_types : Dict[str, Types] = _ty_make_dict('t.sqlname.lower()', FloatT, DoubleT)
2 years ago
temporal_types : Dict[str, Types] = _ty_make_dict('t.sqlname.lower()', DateT, TimeT, TimeStampT)
builtin_types : Dict[str, Types] = {
'string' : StrT,
**_ty_make_dict('t.sqlname.lower()', AnyT, TextT, VarcharT),
**int_types, **fp_types, **temporal_types}
def get_int128_support():
for t in int_types.values():
t.long_type = HgeT
for t in uint_types.values():
t.long_type = UHgeT
int_types['int128'] = HgeT
uint_types['uint128'] = UHgeT
def revert_int128_support():
for t in int_types.values():
t.long_type = LongT
for t in uint_types.values():
t.long_type = ULongT
int_types.pop('int128', None)
uint_types.pop('uint128', None)
type_bylength : Dict[int, TypeCollection] = {}
type_bylength[1] = TypeCollection(1, ByteT)
type_bylength[2] = TypeCollection(2, ShortT)
type_bylength[4] = TypeCollection(4, IntT, FloatT)
type_bylength[8] = TypeCollection(8, LongT, DoubleT, collection=[AnyT])
class OperatorBase:
def extending_type(ops:Types):
return ops.long_type
def fraction_type (ops:Types):
return ops.fp_type
def __init__(self, opname, n_ops, return_fx, * ,
optypes = None, cname = None, sqlname = None,
call = None): = opname
self.cname = defval(cname, opname)
self.sqlname = defval(sqlname, opname.upper())
self.n_ops = n_ops
self.optypes = optypes
self.return_type = defval(return_fx, lambda: self.optypes[0]) = defval(call, lambda _, c_code = False, *args:
f'{self.cname if c_code else self.sqlname}({", ". join(args)})')
def __call__(self, c_code = False, *args) -> str:
return, c_code, *args)
3 years ago
def get_return_type(self, *inputs):
return self.return_type(*inputs)
3 years ago
def __repr__(self) -> str:
def __str__(self) -> str:
# TODO: Type checks, Type catagories, e.g.: value type, etc.
# return type deduction
def auto_extension(*args : Types) -> Types:
final_type = AnyT
is_fp = False
for a in args:
if not is_fp and a.is_fp:
is_fp = True
final_type = final_type.fp_type
elif is_fp:
a = a.fp_type
final_type = a if a.priority > final_type.priority else final_type
return final_type
def auto_extension_int(*args : Types) -> Types:
final_type = AnyT
for a in args:
final_type = a if a.priority > final_type.priority else final_type
return final_type
def ty_clamp(fn, l:int = None, r:int = None):
return lambda *args : fn(*args[l: r])
def logical(*_ : Types) -> Types:
return ByteT
def int_return(*_ : Types) -> Types:
return IntT
def long_return(*_ : Types) -> Types:
return LongT.long_type
def lfp_return(*_ : Types) -> Types:
return LongT.fp_type
def as_is (t: Types) -> Types:
return t
def fp (fx):
return lambda *args : fx(*args).fp_type
def ext (fx):
return lambda *args : fx(*args).long_type
# operator call behavior
def binary_op_behavior(op:OperatorBase, c_code, *xs):
name = op.cname if c_code else op.sqlname
return f'({f" {name} ".join(xs)})'
def unary_op_behavior(op:OperatorBase, c_code, x):
name = op.cname if c_code else op.sqlname
return f'({name} {x})'
def fn_behavior(op:OperatorBase, c_code, *x):
name = op.cname if c_code else op.sqlname
return f'{name}({", ".join([f"{xx}" for xx in x])})'
def count_behavior(op:OperatorBase, c_code, x, distinct = False):
if not c_code:
return f'{op.sqlname}({"distinct " if distinct else ""}{x})'
elif distinct:
return f'({x}).distinct_size()'
return '{count()}'
def distinct_behavior(op:OperatorBase, c_code, x):
if not c_code:
return f'{op.sqlname}({x})'
return f'({x}).distinct()'
def windowed_fn_behavor(op: OperatorBase, c_code, *x):
if not c_code:
return f'{op.sqlname}({", ".join([f"{xx}" for xx in x])})'
name = op.cname if len(x) == 1 else op.cname[:-1] + 'w'
return f'{name}({", ".join([f"{xx}" for xx in x])})'
3 years ago
# arithmetic
opadd = OperatorBase('add', 2, auto_extension, cname = '+', sqlname = '+', call = binary_op_behavior)
# monetdb wont extend int division to fp type
# opdiv = OperatorBase('div', 2, fp(auto_extension), cname = '/', sqlname = '/', call = binary_op_behavior)
opdiv = OperatorBase('div', 2, auto_extension, cname = '/', sqlname = '/', call = binary_op_behavior)
opmul = OperatorBase('mul', 2, fp(auto_extension), cname = '*', sqlname = '*', call = binary_op_behavior)
opsub = OperatorBase('sub', 2, auto_extension, cname = '-', sqlname = '-', call = binary_op_behavior)
opmod = OperatorBase('mod', 2, auto_extension_int, cname = '%', sqlname = '%', call = binary_op_behavior)
opneg = OperatorBase('neg', 1, as_is, cname = '-', sqlname = '-', call = unary_op_behavior)
# logical
opand = OperatorBase('and', 2, logical, cname = '&&', sqlname = ' AND ', call = binary_op_behavior)
opor = OperatorBase('or', 2, logical, cname = '||', sqlname = ' OR ', call = binary_op_behavior)
opxor = OperatorBase('xor', 2, logical, cname = '^', sqlname = ' XOR ', call = binary_op_behavior)
opgt = OperatorBase('gt', 2, logical, cname = '>', sqlname = '>', call = binary_op_behavior)
oplt = OperatorBase('lt', 2, logical, cname = '<', sqlname = '<', call = binary_op_behavior)
opge = OperatorBase('gte', 2, logical, cname = '>=', sqlname = '>=', call = binary_op_behavior)
oplte = OperatorBase('lte', 2, logical, cname = '<=', sqlname = '<=', call = binary_op_behavior)
opneq = OperatorBase('neq', 2, logical, cname = '!=', sqlname = '!=', call = binary_op_behavior)
opeq = OperatorBase('eq', 2, logical, cname = '==', sqlname = '=', call = binary_op_behavior)
opnot = OperatorBase('not', 1, logical, cname = '!', sqlname = 'NOT', call = unary_op_behavior)
opdistinct = OperatorBase('distinct', 1, as_is, cname = '.distinct()', sqlname = 'distinct', call = distinct_behavior)
# functional
fnmax = OperatorBase('max', 1, as_is, cname = 'max', sqlname = 'MAX', call = fn_behavior)
fnmin = OperatorBase('min', 1, as_is, cname = 'min', sqlname = 'MIN', call = fn_behavior)
fndeltas = OperatorBase('deltas', 1, as_is, cname = 'deltas', sqlname = 'DELTAS', call = fn_behavior)
fnratios = OperatorBase('ratios', [1, 2], fp(ty_clamp(as_is, -1)), cname = 'ratios', sqlname = 'RATIOS', call = windowed_fn_behavor)
fnlast = OperatorBase('last', 1, as_is, cname = 'last', sqlname = 'LAST', call = fn_behavior)
fnfirst = OperatorBase('first', 1, as_is, cname = 'frist', sqlname = 'FRIST', call = fn_behavior)
#fnsum = OperatorBase('sum', 1, ext(auto_extension), cname = 'sum', sqlname = 'SUM', call = fn_behavior)
#fnavg = OperatorBase('avg', 1, fp(ext(auto_extension)), cname = 'avg', sqlname = 'AVG', call = fn_behavior)
fnsum = OperatorBase('sum', 1, long_return, cname = 'sum', sqlname = 'SUM', call = fn_behavior)
fnavg = OperatorBase('avg', 1, lfp_return, cname = 'avg', sqlname = 'AVG', call = fn_behavior)
fnmaxs = OperatorBase('maxs', [1, 2], ty_clamp(as_is, -1), cname = 'maxs', sqlname = 'MAXS', call = windowed_fn_behavor)
fnmins = OperatorBase('mins', [1, 2], ty_clamp(as_is, -1), cname = 'mins', sqlname = 'MINS', call = windowed_fn_behavor)
fnsums = OperatorBase('sums', [1, 2], ext(ty_clamp(auto_extension, -1)), cname = 'sums', sqlname = 'SUMS', call = windowed_fn_behavor)
fnavgs = OperatorBase('avgs', [1, 2], fp(ext(ty_clamp(auto_extension, -1))), cname = 'avgs', sqlname = 'AVGS', call = windowed_fn_behavor)
fncnt = OperatorBase('count', 1, int_return, cname = 'count', sqlname = 'COUNT', call = count_behavior)
# special
def is_null_call_behavior(op:OperatorBase, c_code : bool, x : str):
if c_code :
return f'{x} == nullval<decays<decltype({x})>>'
else :
return f'{x} IS NULL'
spnull = OperatorBase('missing', 1, logical, cname = "", sqlname = "", call = is_null_call_behavior)
# cstdlib
# If in aggregation functions, using monetdb builtins. If in nested agg, inside udfs, using cstdlib.
fnsqrt = OperatorBase('sqrt', 1, lambda *_ : DoubleT, cname = 'sqrt', sqlname = 'SQRT', call = fn_behavior)
fnlog = OperatorBase('log', 2, lambda *_ : DoubleT, cname = 'log', sqlname = 'LOG', call = fn_behavior)
fnsin = OperatorBase('sin', 1, lambda *_ : DoubleT, cname = 'sin', sqlname = 'SIN', call = fn_behavior)
fncos = OperatorBase('cos', 1, lambda *_ : DoubleT, cname = 'cos', sqlname = 'COS', call = fn_behavior)
fntan = OperatorBase('tan', 1, lambda *_ : DoubleT, cname = 'tan', sqlname = 'TAN', call = fn_behavior)
fnpow = OperatorBase('pow', 2, lambda *_ : DoubleT, cname = 'pow', sqlname = 'POW', call = fn_behavior)
# type collections
def _op_make_dict(*items : OperatorBase):
return { i for i in items}
builtin_binary_arith = _op_make_dict(opadd, opdiv, opmul, opsub, opmod)
builtin_binary_logical = _op_make_dict(opand, opor, opxor, opgt, oplt, opge, oplte, opneq, opeq)
builtin_unary_logical = _op_make_dict(opnot)
builtin_unary_arith = _op_make_dict(opneg)
builtin_unary_special = _op_make_dict(spnull, opdistinct)
builtin_cstdlib = _op_make_dict(fnsqrt, fnlog, fnsin, fncos, fntan, fnpow)
builtin_func = _op_make_dict(fnmax, fnmin, fnsum, fnavg, fnmaxs, fnmins, fndeltas, fnratios, fnlast, fnfirst, fnsums, fnavgs, fncnt)
3 years ago
user_module_func = {}
builtin_operators : Dict[str, OperatorBase] = {**builtin_binary_arith, **builtin_binary_logical,
3 years ago
**builtin_unary_arith, **builtin_unary_logical, **builtin_unary_special, **builtin_func, **builtin_cstdlib,
3 years ago