You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

472 lines
21 KiB

from typing import Optional, Set
from engine.types import *
3 years ago
from reconstruct.ast import ast_node
from import ColRef, Context
3 years ago
# TODO: Decouple expr and upgrade architecture
# C_CODE : get ccode/sql code?
# projections : C/SQL/decltype string
# orderby/joins/where : SQL only
# assumption/groupby : C/sql
# is_udfexpr: C only
3 years ago
class expr(ast_node):
valid_joincond = {
0 : ('and', 'eq', 'not'),
1 : ('or', 'neq', 'not'),
2 : ('', '', '')
def udf_decltypecall(self):
return self._udf_decltypecall if self._udf_decltypecall else self.sql
def udf_decltypecall(self, val):
self._udf_decltypecall = val
def need_decltypestr(self):
return self._udf_decltypecall is not None
def __init__(self, parent, node, *, c_code = None, supress_undefined = False):
from reconstruct.ast import projection, udf
# gen2 expr have multi-passes
# first pass parse json into expr tree
# generate target code in later passes upon need
self.children = []
self.opname = ''
self.curr_code = ''
self.counts = {}
self.type = None
3 years ago
self.raw_col = None
self.udf : Optional[udf] = None
3 years ago
self.inside_agg = False
self.is_special = False
self.is_ColExpr = False
self.is_recursive_call_inudf = False
self.codlets : list = []
self.codebuf : Optional[str] = None
self._udf_decltypecall = None
self.node = node
self.supress_undefined = supress_undefined
3 years ago
if(type(parent) is expr):
self.next_valid = parent.next_valid
3 years ago
self.inside_agg = parent.inside_agg
self.is_udfexpr = parent.is_udfexpr
self.is_agg_func = parent.is_agg_func
self.root : expr = parent.root
self.c_code = parent.c_code
self.builtin_vars = parent.builtin_vars
self.join_conditions = []
self.next_valid = 0
self.is_agg_func = False
self.is_udfexpr = type(parent) is udf
self.root : expr = self
self.c_code = self.is_udfexpr or type(parent) is projection
if self.is_udfexpr:
self.udf : udf = parent
self.builtin_vars = self.udf.builtin.keys()
self.builtin_vars = []
if type(c_code) is bool:
self.c_code = c_code
self.udf_called = None
self.cols_mentioned : Optional[set[ColRef]] = None
3 years ago
ast_node.__init__(self, parent, node, None)
def init(self, _):
from reconstruct.ast import _tmp_join_union, projection
3 years ago
parent = self.parent
self.is_compound = parent.is_compound if type(parent) is expr else False
if type(parent) in [projection, expr, _tmp_join_union]:
3 years ago
self.datasource = parent.datasource
self.datasource = self.context.datasource
self.udf_map = parent.context.udf_map
self.func_maps = {**builtin_func, **self.udf_map, **user_module_func}
self.operators = {**builtin_operators, **self.udf_map, **user_module_func}
2 years ago
self.ext_aggfuncs = ['sum', 'avg', 'count', 'min', 'max',
'last', 'first', 'prev', 'next', 'var',
3 years ago
def produce(self, node):
from engine.utils import enlist
from reconstruct.ast import udf, projection
3 years ago
if type(node) is dict:
if 'literal' in node:
node = node['literal']
if len(node) > 1:
print(f'Parser Error: {node} has more than 1 dict entry.')
is_joincond = False
for key, val in node.items():
key = key.lower()
if key not in self.valid_joincond[self.next_valid]:
self.next_valid = 2
if key == self.valid_joincond[self.next_valid][2]:
self.next_valid = not self.next_valid
elif key == self.valid_joincond[self.next_valid][1]:
self.next_valid = 2
is_joincond = True
if key in self.operators:
if key in builtin_func:
if self.is_agg_func:
self.root.is_special = True # Nested Aggregation
self.is_agg_func = True
op = self.operators[key]
count_distinct = False
if key == 'count' and type(val) is dict and 'distinct' in val:
count_distinct = True
val = val['distinct']
val = enlist(val)
exp_vals = []
for v in val:
if (
type(v) is str and
'*' in v and
key != 'count'
cols = self.datasource.get_cols(v)
if cols:
for c in cols:
exp_vals.append(expr(self,, c_code=self.c_code))
exp_vals.append(expr(self, v, c_code=self.c_code))
self.children = exp_vals
self.opname = key
str_vals = [e.sql for e in exp_vals]
type_vals = [e.type for e in exp_vals]
is_compound = max([e.is_compound for e in exp_vals])
if key in self.ext_aggfuncs:
self.is_compound = max(0, is_compound - 1)
self.is_compound = is_compound
self.type = op.return_type(*type_vals)
except AttributeError as e:
if type(self.root.parent) is not udf:
# TODO: do something when this is not an error
print(f'alert: {e}')
self.type = AnyT
if count_distinct: # inject distinct col later
self.sql = f'{{{op(self.c_code, *str_vals, True)}}}'
self.sql = op(self.c_code, *str_vals)
special_func = [*self.context.udf_map.keys(), *self.context.module_map.keys(),
"maxs", "mins", "avgs", "sums", "deltas", "last", "first",
"stddevs", "vars", "ratios", "pack", "truncate"]
if (
type(self.root.parent) is projection
special_func = [*special_func, *self.ext_aggfuncs]
if key in special_func and not self.is_special:
self.is_special = True
if key in self.context.udf_map:
self.root.udf_called = self.context.udf_map[key]
if self.is_udfexpr and key ==
self.root.is_recursive_call_inudf = True
elif key in user_module_func.keys():
# TODO: make udf_called a set!
p = self.parent
while type(p) is expr and not p.udf_called:
p.udf_called = self.udf_called
p = p.parent
p = self.parent
while type(p) is expr and not p.is_special:
p.is_special = True
p = p.parent
need_decltypestr = any([e.need_decltypestr for e in exp_vals])
if need_decltypestr or (self.udf_called and type(op) is udf):
decltypestr_vals = [e.udf_decltypecall for e in exp_vals]
self.udf_decltypecall = op(self.c_code, *decltypestr_vals)
if self.udf_called and type(op) is udf:
self.udf_decltypecall = op.decltypecall(self.c_code, *decltypestr_vals)
elif self.is_udfexpr:
var_table = self.root.udf.var_table
vec = key.split('.')
_vars = [*var_table, *self.builtin_vars]
def get_vname (node):
if node in self.builtin_vars:
self.root.udf.builtin[node].enabled = True
self.builtin_var = node
return node
return var_table[node]
if vec[0] not in _vars:
# print(f'Use of undefined variable {vec[0]}')
# TODO: do something when this is not an error
vname = get_vname(vec[0])
val = enlist(val)
if(len(val) > 2):
print('Warning: more than 2 indexes found for subvec operator.')
ex = [expr(self, v, c_code = self.c_code) for v in val]
idxs = ', '.join([e.sql for e in ex])
self.sql = f'{vname}.subvec({idxs})'
if any([e.need_decltypestr for e in ex]):
self.udf_decltypecall = f'{vname}.subvec({[", ".join([e.udf_decltypecall for e in ex])]})'
if key == 'get' and len(val) > 1:
ex_vname = expr(self, val[0], c_code=self.c_code)
self.sql = f'{ex_vname.sql}[{expr(self, val[1], c_code=self.c_code).sql}]'
if hasattr(ex_vname, 'builtin_var'):
if not hasattr(self, 'builtin_var'):
self.builtin_var = []
self.builtin_var = [*self.builtin_var, *ex_vname.builtin_var]
self.udf_decltypecall = ex_vname.sql
print(f'Undefined expr: {key}{val}')
if (is_joincond and len(self.children) == 2
and all([c.is_ColExpr for c in self.children])) :
(self.children[0].raw_col, self.children[1].raw_col)
if type(node) is str:
if self.is_udfexpr:
curr_udf : udf = self.root.udf
var_table = curr_udf.var_table
split = node.split('.')
if split[0] in var_table:
varname = var_table[split[0]]
if curr_udf.agg and varname in curr_udf.vecs:
if len(split) > 1:
if split[1] == 'vec':
self.sql += varname
elif split[1] == 'len':
self.sql += f'{varname}.size'
print(f'no member {split[1]} in object {varname}')
self.sql += f'{varname}[{curr_udf.idx_var}]'
self.sql += varname
elif self.supress_undefined or split[0] in self.builtin_vars:
self.sql += node
if split[0] in self.builtin_vars:
curr_udf.builtin[split[0]].enabled = True
self.builtin_var = split[0]
print(f'Undefined varname: {split[0]}')
# get the column from the datasource in SQL context
3 years ago
if self.datasource is not None:
if (node == '*' and
not (type(self.parent) is expr
and 'count' in self.parent.node)):
self.datasource.all_cols(ordered = True)
self.raw_col = self.datasource.parse_col_names(node)
self.raw_col = self.raw_col if type(self.raw_col) is ColRef else None
if self.raw_col is not None:
self.is_ColExpr = True
table_name = ''
if '.' in node:
table_name = self.raw_col.table.table_name
if self.raw_col.table.alias:
alias = iter(self.raw_col.table.alias)
a = next(alias)
while(not a or a == table_name):
a = next(alias)
if (a and a != table_name):
table_name = a
except StopIteration:
if table_name:
table_name = table_name + '.'
self.sql = table_name +
self.type = self.raw_col.type
2 years ago
self.is_compound = True
self.is_compound += self.raw_col.compound
self.opname = self.raw_col
self.sql = '\'' + node + '\'' if node != '*' else '*'
self.type = StrT
self.opname = self.sql
if self.c_code and self.datasource is not None:
if (type(self.parent) is expr and
'distinct' in self.parent.node and
not self.is_special):
# this node is executed by monetdb
# gb condition, not special
self.sql = f'distinct({self.sql})'
self.sql = f'{{y(\"{self.sql}\")}}'
3 years ago
elif type(node) is bool:
self.type = BoolT
self.opname = node
if self.c_code:
self.sql = '1' if node else '0'
self.sql = 'TRUE' if node else 'FALSE'
elif type(node) is not dict:
3 years ago
self.sql = f'{node}'
self.opname = node
if type(node) is int:
2 years ago
if (node >= 2**63 - 1 or node <= -2**63):
2 years ago
self.type = HgeT
elif (node >= 2**31 - 1 or node <= -2**31):
2 years ago
self.type = LongT
2 years ago
elif node >= 2**15 - 1 or node <= -2**15:
2 years ago
self.type = IntT
2 years ago
elif node >= 2**7 - 1 or node <= -2**7:
self.type = ShortT
self.type = ByteT
elif type(node) is float:
self.type = DoubleT
self.sql = f'{{"CAST({node} AS DOUBLE)" if not c_code else "{node}f"}}'
def finalize(self, override = False):
from reconstruct.ast import udf
if self.codebuf is None or override:
self.codebuf = ''
for c in self.codlets:
if type(c) is str:
self.codebuf += c
elif type(c) is udf:
self.codebuf += c()
elif type(c) is expr:
self.codebuf += c.finalize(override=override)
return self.codebuf
def codegen(self, delegate):
self.curr_code = ''
for c in self.children:
self.curr_code += c.codegen(delegate)
return self.curr_code
3 years ago
def __str__(self):
return self.sql
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
# builtins is readonly, so it's okay to set default value as an object
# eval is only called at root expr.
def eval(self, c_code = None, y = lambda t: t,
materialize_builtin = False, _decltypestr = False,
count = lambda : 'count', var_inject = None,
gettype = False):
def call(decltypestr = False) -> str:
nonlocal c_code, y, materialize_builtin, count, var_inject
if var_inject:
for k, v in var_inject.items():
locals()[k] = v
if self.udf_called is not None:
loc = locals()
builtin_vars = self.udf_called.builtin_used
for b in self.udf_called.builtin_var.all:
exec(f'loc["{b}"] = lambda: "{{{b}()}}"')
if builtin_vars:
if type(materialize_builtin) is dict:
for b in builtin_vars:
exec(f'loc["{b}"] = lambda: "{materialize_builtin[b]}"')
elif self.is_recursive_call_inudf:
for b in builtin_vars:
exec(f'loc["{b}"] = lambda : "{b}"')
2 years ago
x = self.c_code if c_code is None else c_code
from engine.utils import escape_qoutes
if decltypestr:
return eval('f\'' + escape_qoutes(self.udf_decltypecall) + '\'')
self.sql.replace("'", "\\'")
return eval('f\'' + escape_qoutes(self.sql) + '\'')
if self.is_recursive_call_inudf or (self.need_decltypestr and self.is_udfexpr) or gettype:
return call
return call(_decltypestr)
def is_root(self):
return self.root == self
# For UDFs: first check if agg variable is used as vector
# if not, then check if its length is used
class fastscan(expr):
name = 'fastscan'
def init(self, _):
self.vec_vars = set()
self.requested_lens = set()
super().init(self, _)
def process(self, key : str):
segs = key.split('.')
var_table = self.root.udf.var_table
if segs[0] in var_table and len(segs) > 1:
if segs[1] == 'vec':
elif segs[1] == 'len':
def produce(self, node):
from engine.utils import enlist
if type(node) is dict:
for key, val in node.items():
if key in self.operators:
val = enlist(val)
elif self.is_udfexpr:
[fastscan(self, v, c_code = self.c_code) for v in val]
elif type(node) is str:
class getrefs(expr):
name = 'getrefs'
def init(self, _):
self.datasource.rec = set()
self.rec = None
def produce(self, node):
from engine.utils import enlist
if type(node) is dict:
for key, val in node.items():
if key in self.operators:
val = enlist(val)
[getrefs(self, v, c_code = self.c_code) for v in val]
elif type(node) is str:
def consume(self, _):
if self.root == self:
self.rec = self.datasource.rec
self.datasource.rec = None