You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

595 lines
21 KiB

3 years ago
// TODO: Replace `cout, printf` with sprintf&fputs and custom buffers
#ifndef _TABLE_H
#define _TABLE_H
#include "types.h"
#include "vector_type.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "io.h"
3 years ago
#undef ERROR
3 years ago
template <typename T>
class vector_type;
template <>
class vector_type<void>;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
namespace types {
enum Type_t;
template <typename T>
struct Types;
template <class T1, class T2>
struct Coercion;
template<typename _Ty>
class ColView;
template<typename _Ty>
class ColRef : public vector_type<_Ty>
typedef ColRef<_Ty> Decayed_t;
const char* name;
3 years ago
types::Type_t ty = types::Type_t::ERROR;
3 years ago
ColRef() : vector_type<_Ty>(0), name("") {}
ColRef(const uint32_t& size, const char* name = "") : vector_type<_Ty>(size), name(name) {}
ColRef(const char* name) : name(name) {}
ColRef(const uint32_t size, void* data, const char* name = "") : vector_type<_Ty>(size, data), name(name) {}
3 years ago
void init(const char* name = "") { ty = types::Types<_Ty>::getType(); this->size = this->capacity = 0; this->container = 0; this->name = name; }
void initfrom(uint32_t sz, void*container, const char* name = "") {
ty = types::Types<_Ty>::getType();
this->size = sz;
this->capacity = 0;
this->container = (_Ty*)container;
this->name = name;
template<template <typename ...> class VT, typename T>
void initfrom(const VT<T>& v, const char* name = ""){
ty = types::Types<_Ty>::getType();
this->size = v.size;
this->capacity = 0;
this->container = (_Ty*)(v.container);
this->name = name;
template <class T>
ColRef<_Ty>& operator =(ColRef<T>&& vt) {
this->container = (_Ty*)vt.container;
this->size = vt.size;
this->capacity = vt.capacity;
vt.capacity = 0; // rvalue's
return *this;
3 years ago
ColRef(const char* name, types::Type_t ty) : name(name), ty(ty) {}
using vector_type<_Ty>::operator[];
using vector_type<_Ty>::operator=;
using vector_type<_Ty>::subvec;
using vector_type<_Ty>::subvec_memcpy;
using vector_type<_Ty>::subvec_deep;
3 years ago
ColView<_Ty> operator [](const vector_type<uint32_t>&idxs) const {
return ColView<_Ty>(*this, idxs);
void out(uint32_t n = 4, const char* sep = " ") const {
const char* more = "";
if (n < this->size)
more = " ... ";
n = this->size;
3 years ago
std::cout << '(';
if (n > 0)
uint32_t i = 0;
for (; i < n - 1; ++i)
std::cout << this->operator[](i) << sep;
std::cout << this->operator[](i);
std::cout<< more;
3 years ago
std::cout << ')';
template<typename T>
ColRef<T> scast();
template<typename _Ty>
class ColView {
typedef ColRef<_Ty> Decayed_t;
const vector_type<uint32_t>& idxs;
const ColRef<_Ty> orig;
3 years ago
const uint32_t& size;
ColView(const ColRef<_Ty>& orig, const vector_type<uint32_t>& idxs) : orig(orig), idxs(idxs), size(idxs.size) {}
ColView(const ColView<_Ty>& orig, const vector_type<uint32_t>& idxs) : orig(orig.orig), idxs(idxs), size(idxs.size) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
idxs[i] = orig.idxs[idxs[i]];
_Ty& operator [](const uint32_t& i) const {
return orig[idxs[i]];
struct Iterator_t {
const uint32_t* val;
const ColRef<_Ty>& orig;
constexpr Iterator_t(const uint32_t* val, const ColRef<_Ty>& orig) noexcept : val(val), orig(orig) {}
_Ty& operator*() { return orig[*val]; }
bool operator != (const Iterator_t& rhs) { return rhs.val != val; }
Iterator_t& operator++ () {
return *this;
Iterator_t operator++ (int) {
Iterator_t tmp = *this;
return tmp;
Iterator_t begin() const {
return Iterator_t(idxs.begin(), orig);
Iterator_t end() const {
return Iterator_t(idxs.end(), orig);
void out(uint32_t n = 4, const char* sep = " ") const {
n = n > size ? size : n;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
std::cout << this->operator[](i)<< sep;
std::cout << ')';
operator ColRef<_Ty>() {
auto ret = ColRef<_Ty>(size);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
ret[i] = orig[idxs[i]];
return ret;
ColView<_Ty> subvec(uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
uint32_t len = end - start;
return ColView<_Ty>(orig, idxs.subvec(start, end));
ColRef<_Ty> subvec_deep(uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
uint32_t len = end - start;
ColRef<_Ty> subvec(len);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
subvec[i] = operator[](i);
return subvec;
inline ColRef<_Ty> subvec(uint32_t start = 0) { return subvec_deep(start, size); }
3 years ago
template <template <class...> class VT, class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const VT<T>& v)
return os;
#ifdef __SIZEOF_INT128__
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, __int128 & v);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, __uint128_t & v);
3 years ago
template <class Type>
struct decayed_impl<ColView, Type> { typedef ColRef<Type> type; };
3 years ago
template<typename _Ty>
template<typename T>
inline ColRef<T> ColRef<_Ty>::scast()
this->ty = types::Types<T>::getType();
return *(ColRef<T> *)this;
using uColRef = ColRef<void>;
template<class ...Types> struct TableInfo;
template<class ...Types> struct TableView;
template <long long _Index, bool order = true, class... _Types>
constexpr inline auto& get(const TableInfo<_Types...>& table) noexcept {
if constexpr (order)
return *(ColRef<std::tuple_element_t<_Index, std::tuple<_Types...>>> *) & (table.colrefs[_Index]);
return *(ColRef<std::tuple_element_t<-1-_Index, std::tuple<_Types...>>> *) & (table.colrefs[-1-_Index]);
template <long long _Index, class... _Types>
constexpr inline ColRef<std::tuple_element_t<_Index, std::tuple<_Types...>>>& get(const TableView<_Types...>& table) noexcept {
return *(ColRef<std::tuple_element_t<_Index, std::tuple<_Types...>>> *) & ([_Index]);
template <class V>
struct is_vector_impl<ColRef<V>> : std::true_type {};
template <class V>
struct is_vector_impl<ColView<V>> : std::true_type {};
template <class V>
struct is_vector_impl<vector_type<V>> : std::true_type {};
template<class ...Types>
struct TableView;
3 years ago
template<class ...Types>
struct TableInfo {
const char* name;
ColRef<void>* colrefs;
uint32_t n_cols;
typedef std::tuple<Types...> tuple_type;
void print(const char* __restrict sep, const char* __restrict end) const;
template <class ...Types2>
struct lineage_t {
TableInfo<Types...>* this_table;
TableInfo<Types2...>* table;
vector_type<uint32_t> rid;
constexpr lineage_t(TableInfo<Types...>*this_table, TableInfo<Types2...> *table)
: this_table(this_table), table(table), rid(0) {}
constexpr lineage_t() : this_table(0), table(0), rid(0) {}
template <int col>
inline auto& get(uint32_t idx) {
return get<col>(*table)[rid[idx]];
void emplace_back(const uint32_t& v) {
3 years ago
template<class ...Types2>
auto bind(TableInfo<Types2...>* table2) {
return lineage_t(this, table2);
template <size_t i = 0>
auto& get_col() {
return *reinterpret_cast<ColRef<std::tuple_element_t <i, tuple_type>>*>(colrefs + i);
3 years ago
template <size_t j = 0>
typename std::enable_if<j == sizeof...(Types) - 1, void>::type print_impl(const uint32_t& i, const char* __restrict sep = " ") const;
template <size_t j = 0>
typename std::enable_if<j < sizeof...(Types) - 1, void>::type print_impl(const uint32_t& i, const char* __restrict sep = " ") const;
template <size_t ...Idxs>
struct GetTypes {
typedef typename std::tuple<typename std::tuple_element<Idxs, tuple_type>::type ...> type;
3 years ago
template <size_t ...Idxs>
using getRecordType = typename GetTypes<Idxs...>::type;
TableInfo(const char* name, uint32_t n_cols);
TableInfo(const char* name = "");
3 years ago
template <int prog = 0>
inline void materialize(const vector_type<uint32_t>& idxs, TableInfo<Types...>* tbl = nullptr) { // inplace materialize
if constexpr(prog == 0) tbl = (tbl == 0 ? this : tbl);
if constexpr (prog == sizeof...(Types)) return;
else {
auto& col = get<prog>(*this);
auto new_col = decays<decltype(col)>{idxs.size};
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < idxs.size; ++i)
new_col[i] = col[idxs[i]];
get<prog>(*tbl) = new_col;
materialize<prog + 1>(idxs, tbl);
inline TableInfo<Types...>* materialize_copy(const vector_type<uint32_t>& idxs) {
auto tbl = new TableInfo<Types...>(this->name, sizeof...(Types));
materialize<0>(idxs, tbl);
return tbl;
template<int ...cols>
inline vector_type<uint32_t>* order_by(vector_type<uint32_t>* ord = nullptr) {
if (!ord) {
ord = new vector_type<uint32_t>(colrefs[0].size);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < colrefs[0].size; ++i)
(*ord)[i] = i;
std::sort(ord->begin(), ord->end(), [this](const uint32_t& lhs, const uint32_t& rhs) {
std::forward_as_tuple((cols >= 0 ? get<cols, (cols >= 0)>(*this)[lhs] : -get<cols, (cols >= 0)>(*this)[lhs]) ...)
std::forward_as_tuple((cols >= 0 ? get<cols, (cols >= 0)>(*this)[rhs] : -get<cols, (cols >= 0)>(*this)[rhs]) ...);
return ord;
template <int ...cols>
auto order_by_view () {
return TableView<Types...>(order_by<cols...>(), *this);
// Print 2 -- generate printf string first, supports flattening, supports sprintf/printf/fprintf
template <int col, int ...rem_cols, class Fn, class ...__Types>
inline void print2_impl(Fn func, const uint32_t& i, const __Types& ... args) const {
using this_type = typename std::tuple_element<col, tuple_type>::type;
const auto& this_value = get<col>(*this)[i];
const auto& next = [&](auto &v) {
if constexpr (sizeof...(rem_cols) == 0)
func(args..., printi128(v));
3 years ago
print2_impl<rem_cols...>(func, i, args ..., printi128(v));
3 years ago
if constexpr (is_vector_type<this_type>)
for (int j = 0; j < this_value.size; ++j)
std::string get_header_string(const char* __restrict sep, const char* __restrict end) const{
std::string header_string = std::string();
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof...(Types); ++i)
header_string += std::string(this->colrefs[i].name) + sep;
const size_t l_sep = strlen(sep);
if (header_string.size() - l_sep >= 0)
header_string.resize(header_string.size() - l_sep);
header_string += end + std::string(header_string.size(), '=') + end;
return header_string;
template <int ...cols>
void print2(const char* __restrict sep = ",", const char* __restrict end = "\n",
const vector_type<uint32_t>* __restrict view = nullptr, FILE* __restrict fp = nullptr) const {
std::string printf_string =
generate_printf_string<typename std::tuple_element<cols, tuple_type>::type ...>(sep, end);
std::string header_string = std::string();
constexpr static int a_cols[] = { cols... };
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof...(cols); ++i)
header_string += std::string(this->colrefs[a_cols[i]].name) + sep;
const size_t l_sep = strlen(sep);
if(header_string.size() - l_sep >= 0)
header_string.resize(header_string.size() - l_sep);
const auto& prt_loop = [&fp, &view, &printf_string, *this](const auto& f) {
#ifdef __SIZEOF_INT128__
constexpr auto num_hge = count_type<__int128_t, __uint128_t>((tuple_type*)(0));
char cbuf[num_hge * 41];
3 years ago
for (int i = 0; i < view->size; ++i){
3 years ago
print2_impl<cols...>(f, (*view)[i], printf_string.c_str());
3 years ago
for (int i = 0; i < colrefs[0].size; ++i){
3 years ago
print2_impl<cols...>(f, i, printf_string.c_str());
3 years ago
if (fp)
fprintf(fp, "%s%s", header_string.c_str(), end);
prt_loop([&fp](auto... args) { fprintf(fp, args...); });
else {
printf("%s%s", header_string.c_str(), end);
template <int ...vals> struct applier {
inline constexpr static void apply(const TableInfo<Types...>& t, const char* __restrict sep = ",", const char* __restrict end = "\n",
const vector_type<uint32_t>* __restrict view = nullptr, FILE* __restrict fp = nullptr)
{ t.template print2<vals ...>(sep, end, view, fp); }};
inline void printall(const char* __restrict sep = ",", const char* __restrict end = "\n",
const vector_type<uint32_t>* __restrict view = nullptr, FILE* __restrict fp = nullptr) {
applyIntegerSequence<sizeof...(Types), applier>::apply(*this, sep, end, view, fp);
template<class ...Types>
struct TableView {
const vector_type<uint32_t>* idxs;
const TableInfo<Types...>& info;
constexpr TableView(const vector_type<uint32_t>* idxs, const TableInfo<Types...>& info) noexcept : idxs(idxs), info(info) {}
void print(const char* __restrict sep, const char* __restrict end) const;
template <size_t j = 0>
typename std::enable_if<j == sizeof...(Types) - 1, void>::type print_impl(const uint32_t& i, const char* __restrict sep = " ") const;
template <size_t j = 0>
typename std::enable_if < j < sizeof...(Types) - 1, void>::type print_impl(const uint32_t& i, const char* __restrict sep = " ") const;
~TableView() {
delete idxs;
template <class T>
constexpr static inline bool is_vector(const ColRef<T>&) {
return true;
template <class T>
constexpr static inline bool is_vector(const vector_type<T>&) {
return true;
template<class ...Types>
TableInfo<Types...>::TableInfo(const char* name, uint32_t n_cols) : name(name), n_cols(n_cols) {
this->colrefs = (ColRef<void>*)malloc(sizeof(ColRef<void>) * n_cols);
for (int i = 0; i < n_cols; ++i) {
template<class ...Types>
TableInfo<Types...>::TableInfo(const char* name) : name(name), n_cols(sizeof...(Types)) {
this->colrefs = (ColRef<void>*)malloc(sizeof(ColRef<void>) * this->n_cols);
for (int i = 0; i < n_cols; ++i) {
3 years ago
template <class ...Types>
template <size_t j>
inline typename std::enable_if<j == sizeof...(Types) - 1, void>::type
TableView<Types ...>::print_impl(const uint32_t& i, const char* __restrict sep) const {
std::cout << (get<j>(*this))[(*idxs)[i]];
template<class ...Types>
template<size_t j>
inline typename std::enable_if < j < sizeof...(Types) - 1, void>::type
TableView<Types...>::print_impl(const uint32_t& i, const char* __restrict sep) const
std::cout << (get<j>(*this))[(*idxs)[i]] << sep;
print_impl<j + 1>(i, sep);
template<class ...Types>
inline void TableView<Types...>::print(const char* __restrict sep, const char* __restrict end) const {
std::string header_string = info.get_header_string(sep, end);
std::cout << header_string.c_str();
int n_rows = 0;
if (info.colrefs[0].size > 0)
n_rows = info.colrefs[0].size;
for (int i = 0; i < n_rows; ++i) {
std::cout << end;
template <class ...Types>
template <size_t j>
inline typename std::enable_if<j == sizeof...(Types) - 1, void>::type
TableInfo<Types ...>::print_impl(const uint32_t& i, const char* __restrict sep) const {
std::cout << (get<j>(*this))[i];
template<class ...Types>
template<size_t j>
inline typename std::enable_if<j < sizeof...(Types) - 1, void>::type
TableInfo<Types...>::print_impl(const uint32_t& i, const char* __restrict sep) const
std::cout << (get<j>(*this))[i] << sep;
print_impl<j+1>(i, sep);
template<class ...Types>
inline void TableInfo<Types...>::print(const char* __restrict sep, const char* __restrict end) const {
std::string header_string = get_header_string(sep, end);
std::cout << header_string.c_str();
int n_rows = 0;
if (n_cols > 0 && colrefs[0].size > 0)
n_rows = colrefs[0].size;
for (int i = 0; i < n_rows; ++i) {
std::cout << end;
template <class T1, class T2, template<typename ...> class VT, template<typename ...> class VT2>
decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type> operator -(const VT<T1>& lhs, const VT2<T2>& rhs) {
auto ret = decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type>(lhs.size);
3 years ago
for (int i = 0; i < lhs.size; ++i)
ret[i] = lhs[i] - rhs[i];
return ret;
template <class T1, class T2, template<typename ...> class VT>
decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type> operator -(const VT<T1>& lhs, const T2& rhs) {
auto ret = decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type>(lhs.size);
3 years ago
for (int i = 0; i < lhs.size; ++i)
ret[i] = lhs[i] - rhs;
return ret;
template <class T1, class T2, template<typename ...> class VT>
decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type> operator -(const T2& lhs, const VT<T1>& rhs) {
auto ret = decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type>(rhs.size);
for (int i = 0; i < rhs.size; ++i)
ret[i] = lhs - rhs[i];
return ret;
3 years ago
template <class T1, class T2, template<typename ...> class VT, template<typename ...> class VT2>
decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type> operator +(const VT<T1>& lhs, const VT2<T2>& rhs) {
auto ret = decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type>(lhs.size);
3 years ago
for (int i = 0; i < lhs.size; ++i)
ret[i] = lhs[i] + rhs[i];
return ret;
template <class T1, class T2, template<typename ...> class VT>
decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type> operator +(const VT<T1>& lhs, const T2& rhs) {
auto ret = decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type>(lhs.size);
3 years ago
for (int i = 0; i < lhs.size; ++i)
ret[i] = lhs[i] + rhs;
return ret;
template <class T1, class T2, template<typename ...> class VT>
decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type> operator +(const T2& lhs, const VT<T1>& rhs) {
auto ret = decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type>(rhs.size);
for (int i = 0; i < rhs.size; ++i)
ret[i] = lhs + rhs[i];
return ret;
3 years ago
template <class T1, class T2, template<typename ...> class VT, template<typename ...> class VT2>
decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type> operator *(const VT<T1>& lhs, const VT2<T2>& rhs) {
auto ret = decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type>(lhs.size);
3 years ago
for (int i = 0; i < lhs.size; ++i)
ret[i] = lhs[i] * rhs[i];
return ret;
template <class T1, class T2, template<typename ...> class VT>
decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type> operator *(const VT<T1>& lhs, const T2& rhs) {
auto ret = decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type>(lhs.size);
3 years ago
for (int i = 0; i < lhs.size; ++i)
ret[i] = lhs[i] * rhs;
return ret;
template <class T1, class T2, template<typename ...> class VT>
decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type> operator *(const T2& lhs, const VT<T1>& rhs) {
auto ret = decayed_t<VT, typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type>(rhs.size);
for (int i = 0; i < rhs.size; ++i)
ret[i] = lhs * rhs[i];
return ret;
3 years ago
template <class T1, class T2, template<typename ...> class VT, template<typename ...> class VT2>
decayed_t<VT, types::GetFPType<typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type>> operator /(const VT<T1>& lhs, const VT2<T2>& rhs) {
auto ret = decayed_t<VT, types::GetFPType<typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type>>(lhs.size);
3 years ago
for (int i = 0; i < lhs.size; ++i)
ret[i] = lhs[i] / rhs[i];
return ret;
template <class T1, class T2, template<typename ...> class VT>
decayed_t<VT, types::GetFPType<typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type>> operator /(const VT<T1>& lhs, const T2& rhs) {
auto ret = decayed_t<VT, types::GetFPType<typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type>>(lhs.size);
3 years ago
for (int i = 0; i < lhs.size; ++i)
ret[i] = lhs[i] / rhs;
return ret;
template <class T1, class T2, template<typename ...> class VT>
decayed_t<VT, types::GetFPType<typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type>> operator /(const T2& lhs, const VT<T1>& rhs) {
auto ret = decayed_t<VT, types::GetFPType<typename types::Coercion<T1, T2>::type>>(rhs.size);
for (int i = 0; i < rhs.size; ++i)
ret[i] = lhs / rhs[i];
return ret;
3 years ago
template <class ...Types>
void print(const TableInfo<Types...>& v, const char* delimiter = " ", const char* endline = "\n") {
v.print(delimiter, endline);
template <class ...Types>
void print(const TableView<Types...>& v, const char* delimiter = " ", const char* endline = "\n") {
v.print(delimiter, endline);
template <class T>
void print(const T& v, const char* delimiter = " ") {
std::cout<< v;
// printf(types::printf_str[types::Types<T>::getType()], v);
#ifdef __SIZEOF_INT128__
template <>
void print<__int128_t>(const __int128_t& v, const char* delimiter);
template <>
void print<__uint128_t>(const __uint128_t&v, const char* delimiter);
3 years ago
template <class T>
void inline print_impl(const T& v, const char* delimiter, const char* endline) {
for (const auto& vi : v) {
std::cout << delimiter;
// printf("%s", delimiter);
std::cout << endline;
//printf("%s", endline);
template <class T, template<typename> class VT>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<VT<T>, TableInfo<T>>::value>::type
print(const VT<T>& v, const char* delimiter = " ", const char* endline = "\n") {
print_impl(v, delimiter, endline);