import uuid
from collections import OrderedDict
from collections.abc import Mapping, MutableMapping
lower_alp = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
nums = '0123456789'
base62alp = nums + lower_alp + upper_alp
reserved_monet = ['month']
session_context = None
class CaseInsensitiveDict(MutableMapping):
def __init__(self, data=None, **kwargs):
self._store = OrderedDict()
if data is None:
data = {}
self.update(data, **kwargs)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
# Use the lowercased key for lookups, but store the actual
# key alongside the value.
self._store[key.lower()] = (key, value)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._store[key.lower()][1]
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self._store[key.lower()]
def __iter__(self):
return (casedkey for casedkey, mappedvalue in self._store.values())
def __len__(self):
return len(self._store)
def lower_items(self):
"""Like iteritems(), but with all lowercase keys."""
return ((lowerkey, keyval[1]) for (lowerkey, keyval) in self._store.items())
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Mapping):
other = CaseInsensitiveDict(other)
return NotImplemented
# Compare insensitively
return dict(self.lower_items()) == dict(other.lower_items())
# Copy is required
def copy(self):
return CaseInsensitiveDict(self._store.values())
def __repr__(self):
return str(dict(self.items()))
def base62uuid(crop=8):
_id = uuid.uuid4().int
ret = ''
while _id:
ret = base62alp[_id % 62] + ret
_id //= 62
return ret[:crop] if len(ret) else '0'
def get_legal_name(name, lower = True):
if name is not None:
if lower:
name = name.lower()
name = ''.join([n for n in name if n in base62alp or n == '_'])
if name is None or len(name) == 0 or set(name) == set('_'):
name = base62uuid(8)
if(name[0] in nums):
name = '_' + name
return name
def check_legal_name(name):
all_underscores = True
for c in name:
if c not in base62alp and c != '_':
return False
if c != '_':
all_underscores = False
if all_underscores:
return False
if name[0] in nums:
return False
return True
def enlist(l):
return l if type(l) is list else [l]
def seps(s, i, l):
return s if i < len(l) - 1 else ''
def has_other(a, b):
for ai in a:
if ai not in b:
return True
return False
def defval(val, default):
return default if val is None else val
# escape must be readonly
from typing import Mapping, Set
def remove_last(pattern : str, string : str, escape : Set[str] = set()) -> str:
idx = string.rfind(pattern)
if idx == -1:
return string
if set(string[idx:]).difference(escape):
return string
return string[:idx] + string[idx+1:]
class _Counter:
def __init__(self, cnt):
self.cnt = cnt
def inc(self, cnt = 1):
self.cnt += cnt
cnt = self.cnt - cnt
return cnt
import re
ws = re.compile(r'\s+')
import os
def add_dll_dir(dll: str):
import sys
if sys.version_info.major >= 3 and sys.version_info.minor >7 and os.name == 'nt':
os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.abspath(dll) + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']
nullstream = open(os.devnull, 'w')
def clamp(val, minval, maxval):
return min(max(val, minval), maxval)
def escape_qoutes(string : str):
return re.sub(r'^\'', r'\'',re.sub(r'([^\\])\'', r'\1\'', string))
def get_innermost(sl):
if sl and type(sl) is dict:
if 'literal' in sl and type(sl['literal']) is str:
return f"'{get_innermost(sl['literal'])}'"
return get_innermost(next(iter(sl.values()), None))
elif sl and type(sl) is list:
return get_innermost(sl[0])
return sl
def send_to_server(payload : str):
from prompt import PromptState
cxt : PromptState = session_context
if cxt is None:
raise RuntimeError("Error! no session specified.")
from ctypes import c_char_p
cxt.payload = (c_char_p*1)(c_char_p(bytes(payload, 'utf-8')))
cxt.cfg.has_dll = 0
cxt.send(1, cxt.payload)
def get_storedproc(name : str):
from prompt import PromptState, StoredProcedure
cxt : PromptState = session_context
if cxt is None:
raise RuntimeError("Error! no session specified.")
ret : StoredProcedure = cxt.get_storedproc(bytes(name, 'utf-8'))
if (
ret.name.value and
ret.name.value.decode('utf-8') != name
print(f'Procedure {name} mismatch in server {ret.name.value}')
return None
return ret
def execute_procedure(proc):