You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from engine.types import *
from engine.utils import base62uuid, enlist
from typing import List, Dict, Set
3 years ago
class ColRef:
def __init__(self, _ty, cobj, table:'TableInfo', name, id, compound = False, _ty_args = None):
self.type : Types = AnyT
if type(_ty) is str:
self.type = builtin_types[_ty.lower()]
if _ty_args:
self.type = self.type(enlist(_ty_args))
elif type(_ty) is Types:
self.type = _ty
3 years ago
self.cobj = cobj
self.table = table = name
self.alias = set() = id # position in table
self.compound = compound # compound field (list as a field)
# e.g. order by, group by, filter by expressions
self.__arr__ = (_ty, cobj, table, name, id)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if type(key) is str:
return getattr(self, key)
return self.__arr__[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.__arr__[key] = value
class TableInfo:
def __init__(self, table_name, cols, cxt:'Context'):
# statics
self.table_name : str = table_name
self.contextname_cpp : str = ''
self.alias : Set[str] = set([table_name])
self.columns_byname : Dict[str, ColRef] = dict() # column_name, type
self.columns : List[ColRef] = []
3 years ago
self.cxt = cxt
# keep track of temp vars
self.rec = None
# runtime
self.order = [] # assumptions
cxt.tables_byname[self.table_name] = self # construct reverse map
def add_cols(self, cols, new = True):
for c in cols:
self.add_col(c, new)
def add_col(self, c, new = True):
3 years ago
_ty = c['type']
_ty_args = None
if type(_ty) is dict:
_ty_val = list(_ty.keys())[0]
_ty_args = _ty[_ty_val]
_ty = _ty_val
3 years ago
if new:
col_object = ColRef(_ty, c, self, c['name'], len(self.columns), _ty_args = _ty_args)
3 years ago
col_object = c
c.table = self
self.columns_byname[c['name']] = col_object
def add_alias(self, alias):
if alias in self.cxt.tables_byname.keys():
print("Error: table alias already exists")
self.cxt.tables_byname[alias] = self
3 years ago
def parse_col_names(self, colExpr) -> ColRef:
parsedColExpr = colExpr.split('.')
if len(parsedColExpr) <= 1:
col = self.columns_byname[colExpr]
if type(self.rec) is set:
return col
3 years ago
datasource = self.cxt.tables_byname[parsedColExpr[0]]
if datasource is None:
raise ValueError(f'Table name/alias not defined{parsedColExpr[0]}')
return datasource.parse_col_names(parsedColExpr[1])
class Context:
def new(self):
self.headers = set(['\"./server/libaquery.h\"',
self.ccode = ''
self.sql = ''
self.finalized = False
self.udf = None
self.scans = []
self.procs = []
self.queries = []
self.module_init_loc = 0
self.special_gb = False
3 years ago
def __init__(self):
self.tables_byname = dict()
self.col_byname = dict()
self.tables = []
self.cols = []
self.datasource = None
3 years ago
self.module_stubs = ''
self.module_map = {}
3 years ago
self.udf_map = dict()
self.udf_agg_map = dict()
self.use_columnstore = False
self.print = print
self.has_dll = False
self.dialect = 'MonetDB'
self.is_msvc = False
self.have_hge = False
self.Error = lambda *args: print(*args)
self.Info = lambda *_: None
def get_scan_var(self):
it_var = 'i' + base62uuid(2)
scan_vars = set(s.it_var for s in self.scans)
while(it_var in scan_vars):
it_var = 'i' + base62uuid(6)
return it_var
3 years ago
def emit(self, sql:str):
self.sql += sql + ' '
def emitc(self, c:str):
self.ccode += c + '\n'
3 years ago
def add_table(self, table_name, cols):
tbl = TableInfo(table_name, cols, self)
return tbl
def remove_scan(self, scan, str_scan):
function_deco = '__AQEXPORT__(int) '
function_head = ('(Context* cxt) {\n' +
'\tusing namespace std;\n' +
'\tusing namespace types;\n' +
'\tauto server = static_cast<Server*>(cxt->alt_server);\n')
udf_head = ('#pragma once\n'
'#include \"./server/libaquery.h\"\n'
'#include \"./server/aggregations.h\"\n\n'
3 years ago
def get_init_func(self):
if not self.module_map:
3 years ago
return ''
ret = '__AQEXPORT__(void) __builtin_init_user_module(Context* cxt){\n'
3 years ago
for fname in self.module_map.keys():
ret += f'{fname} = (decltype({fname}))(cxt->get_module_function("{fname}"));\n'
self.queries.insert(self.module_init_loc, 'P__builtin_init_user_module')
3 years ago
return ret + '}\n'
def sql_begin(self):
self.sql = ''
def sql_end(self):
# eliminate empty queries
s = self.sql.strip()
while(s and s[-1] == ';'):
s = s[:-1].strip()
if s and s.lower() != 'select':
self.queries.append('Q' + self.sql)
3 years ago
self.sql = ''
def postproc_begin(self, proc_name: str):
self.ccode = self.function_deco + proc_name + self.function_head
def postproc_end(self, proc_name: str):
self.procs.append(self.ccode + 'return 0;\n}')
self.ccode = ''
3 years ago
self.queries.append('P' + proc_name)
def finalize_udf(self):
if self.udf is not None:
return (Context.udf_head
+ self.module_stubs
+ self.get_init_func()
+ self.udf
return None
def finalize(self):
from aquery_config import build_driver, os_platform
if not self.finalized:
headers = ''
if build_driver == 'MSBuild':
headers ='#include \"./server/pch.hpp\"\n'
for h in self.headers:
if h[0] != '"':
headers += '#include <' + h + '>\n'
headers += '#include ' + h + '\n'
if os_platform == 'win':
headers += '#undef max\n'
headers += '#undef min\n'
self.ccode = headers + '\n'.join(self.procs)
self.headers = set()
3 years ago
return self.ccode