- String Types: `STRING` and `TEXT` are variable-length strings with unlimited length. `VARCHAR(n)` is for strings with upper-bound limits.
- Integer Types: `INT` and `INTEGER` are 32-bit integers, `SMALLINT` is for 16-bit integers, `TINYINT` is for 8-bit integers and `BIGINT` is 64-bit integers. On Linux and macOS, `HGEINT` is 128-bit integers.
- Floating-Point Types: `REAL` denotes 32-bit floating point numbers while `DOUBLE` denotes 64-bit floating point numbers.
- Temporal Types: `DATE` only supports the format of `yyyy-mm-dd`, and `TIME` uses 24-hour format and has the form of `hh:mm:ss:ms` the milliseconds part can range from 0 to 999, `TIMESTAMP` has the format of `yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss:ms`. When importing data from CSV files, please make sure the spreadsheet software (if they were used) doesn't change the format of the date and timestamp by double-checking the file with a plain-text editor.
- Boolean Type: `BOOLEAN` is a boolean type with values `TRUE` and `FALSE`.
- Boolean Type: `BOOLEAN`or `BOOL`is a boolean type with values `TRUE` and `FALSE`.
## Create Table
Tables can be created using `CREATE TABLE` statement. For example
CREATE TABLE my_table (c1 INT, c2 INT, c3 STRING)
INSERT INTO my_table VALUES(10, 20, "example")
INSERT INTO my_table SELECT * FROM my_table
You can also create tables using a query. For example:
CREATE TABLE my_table_derived
SELECT c1, c2 * 2 as twice_c2 FROM my_table
## Drop Table:
Tables can be dropped using `DROP TABLE` statement. For example:
## Load Data:
- Use query like `LOAD DATA INFILE <filename> INTO <table_name> [OPTIONS <options>]`
- File name is the relative path to the AQuery root directory (where prompy.py resides)
- File name can also be absolute path.
- See `data/q1.sql` for more information
## Built-in functions:
- `avg[s]`: average of a column. `avgs(col), avgs(w, col)` is rolling and moving average with window `w` of the column `col`.
- `sum[s]`, `max[s]`, `min[s]`: similar to `avg[s]`
- `ratios(w = 1, col)`: moving ratio of a column, e.g. `ratios(w, col)[i]=col[i-w]/col[i]`. Window `w` has default value of 1.
- `next(col), prev(col)`: moving column back and forth by 1, e.g. `next(col)[i] = col[i+1]`.
- `first(col), last(col)`: first and last value of a column, i.e. `first(col)= col[0]`, `last(col) = col[n-1]`.
- `sqrt(x), trunc(x), and other builtin math functions`: value-wise math operations. `sqrt(x)[i] = sqrt(x[i])`
- `pack(cols, ...)`: pack multiple columns into a single column.