import re import aquery_parser as parser import engine import subprocess test_parser = True # code to test parser ws = re.compile(r'\s+') q = 'SELECT p.Name, v.Name FROM Production.Product p JOIN Purchasing.ProductVendor pv ON p.ProductID = pv.ProductID JOIN Purchasing.Vendor v ON pv.BusinessEntityID = v.BusinessEntityID WHERE ProductSubcategoryID = 15 ORDER BY v.Name;' res = parser.parse(q) print(res) while test_parser: try: q = input() if q == 'exec': cxt = engine.initialize() stmts_stmts = stmts['stmts'] if type(stmts_stmts) is list: for s in stmts_stmts: engine.generate(s, cxt) else: engine.generate(stmts_stmts, cxt) print(cxt.k9code) with open('out.k', 'wb') as outfile: outfile.write((cxt.k9code+'\n\\\\').encode('utf-8'))['bash.exe', '-c',"./k out.k"]) continue elif q == 'k':['bash.exe', '-c',"./k"]) continue elif q == 'print': print(stmts) continue trimed = ws.sub(' ', q.lower()).split(' ') if trimed[0] == 'file': fn = 'q.sql' if len(trimed) <= 1 or len(trimed[1]) == 0 \ else trimed[1] with open(fn, 'r') as file: contents = stmts = parser.parse(contents) continue stmts = parser.parse(q) print(stmts) except ValueError as e: print(type(e), e)