import aquery_config help_message = '''\ ====================================================== AQUERY COMMANDLINE HELP ====================================================== Run without supplying with any arguments to run in interactive mode. --help, -h print out this help message --version, -v returns current version of AQuery --mode, -m Optional[threaded|IPC] execution engine run mode: threaded or 1 (default): run the execution engine and compiler/prompt in separate threads IPC, standalong or 2: run the execution engine in a new process which uses shared memory to communicate with the compiler process --script, -s [SCRIPT_FILE] script mode: run the aquery script file --parse-only, -p parse only: parse the file and print out the AST ''' prompt_help = '''\ ******** AQuery Prompt Help ********* help: print this help message help commandline: print help message for AQuery Commandline : parse sql statement f : parse all AQuery statements in file script : run AQuery Script in file dbg: start debugging session with current context print: printout parsed sql statements exec: execute last parsed statement(s) with AQuery Execution Engine (disabled) xexec: execute last parsed statement(s) with Hybrid Execution Engine r: run the last generated code snippet save : save current code snippet. will use timestamp as filename if not specified. exit or Ctrl+C: exit prompt mode ''' if __name__ == '__main__': import mimetypes mimetypes._winreg = None state = None nextcmd = '' def check_param(param, args = False) -> bool: global nextcmd import sys for p in param: if p in sys.argv: if args: return True pos = sys.argv.index(p) if len(sys.argv) > pos + 1: nextcmd = sys.argv[pos + 1] return True return False if check_param(['-v', '--version'], True): print(aquery_config.version_string) exit() if check_param(['-h', '--help'], True): print(help_message) exit() import atexit import ctypes import enum import mmap import os # import dbconn import re import subprocess import sys import threading import time from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union import numpy as np from mo_parsing import ParseException import aquery_parser as parser import common import common.ddl import common.projection import engine as xengine from build import build_manager from common.utils import add_dll_dir, base62uuid, nullstream, ws, Backend_Type, backend_strings from enum import auto ## CLASSES BEGIN class RunType(enum.Enum): Threaded = 0 IPC = 1 class StoredProcedure(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('cnt', ctypes.c_uint32), ('postproc_modules', ctypes.c_uint32), ('queries', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)), ('name', ctypes.c_char_p), ('__rt_loaded_modules', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)), ] @dataclass class QueryStats: last_time : int = time.time() parse_time : int = 0 codegen_time : int = 0 compile_time : int = 0 exec_time : int = 0 need_print : bool = False def clear(self): self.parse_time = 0 self.codegen_time = 0 self.compile_time = 0 self.exec_time = 0 self.last_time = time.time() def stop(self): ret = time.time() - self.last_time self.last_time = time.time() return ret def cumulate(self, other : Optional['QueryStats']): if other: other.parse_time += self.parse_time other.codegen_time += self.codegen_time other.compile_time += self.compile_time other.exec_time += self.exec_time def print(self, cumulative = None, clear = True, need_print = True): if self.need_print: if cumulative: self.exec_time = self.stop() self.cumulate(cumulative) if need_print: print(f'Parse Time: {self.parse_time}, Codegen Time: {self.codegen_time}, Compile Time: {self.compile_time}, Execution Time: {self.exec_time}.') print(f'Total Time: {self.parse_time + self.codegen_time + self.compile_time + self.exec_time}') self.need_print = False if clear: self.clear() class Config: __all_attrs__ = ['running', 'new_query', 'server_mode', 'backend_type', 'has_dll', 'n_buffers', ] __i64_attrs__ = [ 'monetdb_time', 'postproc_time' ] __init_attributes__ = False @staticmethod def __init_self__(): if not Config.__init_attributes__: from functools import partial for _i, attr in enumerate(Config.__all_attrs__): if not hasattr(Config, attr): setattr(Config, attr, property( partial(Config.getter, i = _i), partial(Config.setter, i = _i) )) for _i, attr in enumerate(Config.__i64_attrs__): if not hasattr(Config, attr): setattr(Config, attr, property( partial(Config.i64_getter, i = _i), partial(Config.i64_setter, i = _i) )) Config.__init_attributes__ = True def __init__(self, mode, nq = 0, n_bufs = 0, bf_szs = []) -> None: Config.__init_self__() self.n_attrib = len(Config.__all_attrs__) self.buf = bytearray((self.n_attrib + n_bufs) * 4 + len(self.__i64_attrs__) * 8 ) self.np_buf = np.ndarray(shape = (self.n_attrib), buffer = self.buf, dtype = np.int32) self.np_i64buf = np.ndarray(shape = len(self.__i64_attrs__), buffer = self.buf, dtype = np.int64, offset = 4 * len(self.__all_attrs__)) self.new_query = nq self.server_mode = mode.value self.running = 1 self.backend_type = Backend_Type.BACKEND_MonetDB.value self.has_dll = 0 self.n_buffers = n_bufs self.monetdb_time = 0 self.postproc_time = 0 def getter (self, *, i): return self.np_buf[i] def setter(self, v, *, i): self.np_buf[i] = v def i64_getter (self, *, i): return self.np_i64buf[i] def i64_setter(self, v, *, i): self.np_i64buf[i] = v def set_bufszs(self, buf_szs): for i in range(min(len(buf_szs), self.n_buffers)): self.np_buf[i+self.n_attrib] = buf_szs[i] @property def c(self): return ctypes.cast(\ (ctypes.c_char * len(self.buf)).from_buffer(self.buf), ctypes.c_char_p) @dataclass class PromptState(): cleanup = True th = None send = None test_parser = True server_mode: RunType = RunType.Threaded server_bin = 'server.bin' if server_mode == RunType.IPC else '' wait_engine = lambda: None wake_engine = lambda: None get_storedproc = lambda *_: StoredProcedure() set_ready = lambda: None get_ready = lambda: None server_status = lambda: False cfg : Optional[Config] = None shm : str = '' server : subprocess.Popen = None basecmd : List[str] = None mm : mmap = None th : threading.Thread send : Callable = lambda *_:None init : Callable[['PromptState'], None] = lambda _:None stmts = [''] payloads = {} need_print : bool = False stats : Optional[QueryStats] = None currstats : Optional[QueryStats] = None buildmgr : Optional[build_manager]= None current_procedure : Optional[str] = None _force_compiled : bool = False _cxt : Optional[Union[xengine.Context, common.Context]] = None @property def force_compiled(self): return self._force_compiled @force_compiled.setter def force_compiled(self, new_val): self.cxt.force_compiled = new_val self._force_compiled = new_val @property def cxt(self): return self._cxt @cxt.setter def cxt(self, cxt): cxt.force_compiled = self.force_compiled self._cxt = cxt self._cxt.system_state = self ## CLASSES END ## FUNCTIONS BEGIN def rm(state:PromptState): if state.cleanup:,os.SEEK_SET)'\x00\x00') try: time.sleep(.001) state.server.kill() time.sleep(.001) state.server.terminate() except OSError: pass files = os.listdir('.') for f in files: if f.endswith('.shm'): os.remove(f) state.cleanup = False nullstream.close() def init_ipc(state: PromptState): state.shm = base62uuid() if sys.platform != 'win32': state.shm += '.shm' state.basecmd = ['bash', '-c', 'rlwrap k'] = None if not os.path.isfile(shm): # create initial file with open(shm, "w+b") as handle: handle.write(b'\x01\x00') # [running, new job] handle.flush() = mmap.mmap(handle.fileno(), 2, access=mmap.ACCESS_WRITE, offset=0) if is None: exit(1) else: state.basecmd = ['bash.exe', '-c', 'rlwrap ./k'] = mmap.mmap(0, 2, state.shm)'\x01\x00') state.server = subprocess.Popen(["./server.bin", state.shm]) def init_threaded(state : PromptState): state.cleanup = False if == 'nt' and aquery_config.add_path_to_ldpath: t = os.environ['PATH'].lower().split(';') vars = re.compile('%.*%') add_dll_dir(os.path.abspath('.')) add_dll_dir(os.path.abspath('./lib')) for e in t: if(len(e) != 0): if '%' in e: try: m_e = vars.findall(e) for m in m_e: e = e.replace(m, os.environ[m[1:-1]]) except Exception: continue try: add_dll_dir(e) except Exception: continue else: os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] + os.pathsep + os.path.abspath('.') os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] + os.pathsep + os.path.abspath('./lib') if aquery_config.run_backend: server_so = ctypes.CDLL('./'+state.server_bin) state.send = server_so['receive_args'] state.wait_engine = server_so['wait_engine'] state.wake_engine = server_so['wake_engine'] state.get_storedproc = server_so['get_procedure_ex'] state.get_storedproc.restype = StoredProcedure aquery_config.have_hge = server_so['have_hge']() if aquery_config.have_hge != 0: from common.types import get_int128_support get_int128_support() = threading.Thread(target=server_so['dllmain'], args=(-1, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)(state.cfg.c)), daemon=True) def init_prompt() -> PromptState: aquery_config.init_config() state = PromptState() common.utils.session_context = state # if aquery_config.rebuild_backend: # try: # os.remove(state.server_bin) # except Exception as e: # print(type(e), e) #['make', "info"]) #['make', state.server_bin], stdout=nullstream) state.buildmgr = build_manager() state.buildmgr.build_caches() state.cfg = Config(state.server_mode) state.stats = QueryStats() state.currstats = QueryStats() if state.server_mode == RunType.IPC: atexit.register(lambda: rm(state)) state.init = init_ipc state.set_ready = lambda :,os.SEEK_SET) or'\x01\x01') def __get_ready():,os.SEEK_SET) return[1] state.get_ready = __get_ready state.server_status = lambda : state.server.poll() is not None else: state.init = init_threaded rm = lambda: None def __set_ready(): state.cfg.new_query = 1 state.wake_engine() state.set_ready = __set_ready state.get_ready = lambda: aquery_config.run_backend and state.cfg.new_query if aquery_config.run_backend: state.server_status = lambda : not else: state.server_status = lambda : True state.init(state) return state def save(q:str, cxt: xengine.Context): savecmd = re.split(r'[ \t]', q) if len(savecmd) > 1: fname = savecmd[1] else: tm = time.gmtime() fname = f'{tm.tm_year}{tm.tm_mon}_{tm.tm_mday}_{tm.tm_hour}:{tm.tm_min}:{tm.tm_sec}' if cxt: from typing import Optional def savefile(attr:str, desc:str, ext:Optional[str] = None): if hasattr(cxt, attr): attr : str = getattr(cxt, attr) if attr: ext = ext if ext else '.' + desc name = fname if fname.endswith(ext) else fname + ext with open('saves/' + name, 'wb') as cfile: cfile.write(attr.encode('utf-8')) print(f'saved {desc} code as {name}') savefile('ccode', 'cpp') savefile('udf', 'udf', '.hpp') savefile('sql', 'sql') def prompt(running = lambda:True, next = lambda:input('> '), state : Optional[PromptState] = None): if state is None: state = init_prompt() q = '' payload = None keep = True state.cxt = cxt = xengine.initialize() parser.parse('SELECT "**** WELCOME TO AQUERY++! ****";') # state.currstats = QueryStats() # state.need_print = False while running(): try: if state.server_status(): state.init(state) # *** busy waiting *** # while state.get_ready(): # time.sleep(.00001) while state.get_ready(): state.wait_engine() if state.need_print: print(f'MonetDB Time: {state.cfg.monetdb_time/10**9}, ' f'PostProc Time: {state.cfg.postproc_time/10**9}') state.cfg.monetdb_time = state.cfg.postproc_time = 0 state.currstats.print(state.stats, need_print=state.need_print) try: og_q : str = next() state.currstats.stop() except EOFError: print('stdin inreadable, Exiting...') exit(0) q = og_q.lower().strip() if (not re.sub(r'[ \r\n\t;]', '', q)): continue if False and q == 'exec': # generate build and run (AQuery Engine) state.cfg.backend_type = Backend_Type.BACKEND_AQuery.value state.cxt = cxt = common.exec(state.stmts, cxt, keep) if state.buildmgr.build_dll() == 0: state.set_ready() continue elif q.startswith('echo '): print(og_q[5:].lstrip()) continue elif q.startswith('list '): qs = re.split(r'[ \t]', q) if len(qs) > 1 and qs[1].startswith('table'): for t in cxt.tables: lst_cols = [] for c in t.columns: lst_cols.append(f'{} : {}') print(f'{t.table_name} ({", ".join(lst_cols)})') continue elif q.startswith('help'): qs = re.split(r'[ \t]', q) if len(qs) > 1 and qs[1].startswith('c'): print(help_message) else: print(prompt_help) continue elif q.startswith('xexec') or q.startswith('exec'): # generate build and run (MonetDB Engine) #state.cfg.backend_type = Backend_Type.BACKEND_MonetDB.value state.cxt = cxt = xengine.exec(state.stmts, cxt, keep, parser.parse) this_udf = cxt.finalize_udf() if this_udf: with open('udf.hpp', 'wb') as outfile: outfile.write(this_udf.encode('utf-8')) if state.server_mode == RunType.Threaded: # assignment to avoid auto gc # sqls = [s.strip() for s in cxt.sql.split(';')] qs = [ctypes.c_char_p(bytes(q, 'utf-8')) for q in cxt.queries if len(q)] sz = len(qs) payload = (ctypes.c_char_p*sz)(*qs) state.payload = payload try: state.send(sz, payload) except TypeError as e: print(e) state.currstats.codegen_time = state.currstats.stop() state.currstats.compile_time = 0 state.currstats.exec_time = 0 qs = re.split(r'[ \t]', q) build_this = not(len(qs) > 1 and qs[1].startswith('n')) if cxt.has_dll: with open('out.cpp', 'wb') as outfile: outfile.write((cxt.finalize()).encode('utf-8')) state.currstats.codegen_time += state.currstats.stop() if build_this: state.buildmgr.build_dll() state.cfg.has_dll = 1 else: state.cfg.has_dll = 0 state.currstats.compile_time = state.currstats.stop() cxt.post_exec_triggers() if build_this: state.set_ready() # while state.get_ready(): # state.wait_engine() state.currstats.need_print = True continue elif q == 'dbg': import code from copy import deepcopy var = {**globals(), **locals()} sh = code.InteractiveConsole(var) __stdin = os.dup(0) try: sh.interact(banner = 'debugging session began.', exitmsg = 'debugging session ended.') except BaseException as e: # dont care about whatever happened in dbg session print(e) finally: import io sys.stdin = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BufferedReader(io.FileIO(__stdin, mode='rb', closefd=False)), encoding='utf8') continue elif q.startswith('log'): qs = re.split(r'[ \t]', q) if len(qs) > 1: cxt.log_level = qs[1] else: cxt.print(cxt.log_level) continue elif q == 'k': continue elif q == 'print': cxt.print(state.stmts) continue elif q.startswith('save'): save(q, cxt) continue elif q == 'keep': keep = not keep continue elif q == 'format' or q == 'fmt':['clang-format', 'out.cpp']) elif q == 'exit' or q == 'exit()' or q == 'quit' or q == 'quit()' or q == '\\q': rm(state) exit() elif q.startswith('sh'): from shutil import which qs = re.split(r'[ \t]', q) shells = ('zsh', 'bash', 'sh', 'fish', 'cmd', 'pwsh', 'powershell', 'csh', 'tcsh', 'ksh') shell_path = '' if len(qs) > 1 and qs[1] in shells: shell_path = which(qs[1]) if shell_path: os.system(shell_path) else: for sh in shells: shell_path = which(sh) if shell_path: os.system(shell_path) break continue elif q == 'r': # build and run if state.server_mode == RunType.Threaded: enc = lambda q: 'latin-1' if q.startswith('O') else 'utf-8' qs = [ctypes.c_char_p(bytes(q, enc(q))) for q in cxt.queries if len(q)] sz = len(qs) payload = (ctypes.c_char_p*sz)(*qs) state.payload = payload try: state.send(sz, payload) except TypeError as e: print(e) if['make', 'snippet']) == 0: state.set_ready() continue elif q == 'rr': # run state.set_ready() continue elif q.startswith('script'): qs = re.split(r'[ \t]', q) if len(qs) > 1: qs = qs[1] with open(qs) as file: qs = file.readline() from common.utils import _Counter lst_tell = -1 while(qs): while(not ws.sub('', qs) or qs.strip().startswith('#')): qs = file.readline() if lst_tell == file.tell(): break else: lst_tell = file.tell() cnt = _Counter(1) prompt(lambda : > 0, lambda:qs.strip(), state) qs = file.readline() continue elif q.startswith('save2'): filename = re.split(r'[ \t]', q) if (len(filename) > 1): filename = filename[1] else: filename = f'out_{base62uuid(4)}.cpp' with open(filename, 'wb') as outfile: outfile.write((cxt.finalize()).encode('utf-8')) continue elif q.startswith('stats'): qs = re.split(r'[ \t]', q) if len(qs) > 1: if qs[1].startswith('on'): state.need_print = True elif qs[1].startswith('off'): state.need_print = False elif qs[1].startswith('last'): state.currstats.need_print = True state.currstats.print() elif qs[1].startswith('reset'): state.currstats.clear() continue state.stats.need_print = True state.stats.print(clear = False) continue elif q.startswith('procedure'): qs = re.split(r'[ \t\r\n]', q) procedure_help = '''Usage: procedure [record|stop|run|remove|save|load]''' from common.utils import send_to_server if len(qs) > 2: if qs[2].lower() =='record': if state.current_procedure is not None and state.current_procedure != qs[1]: print(f'Cannot record 2 procedures at the same time. Stop recording {state.current_procedure} first.') elif state.current_procedure is None: state.current_procedure = qs[1] send_to_server(f'R\0{qs[1]}') elif qs[2].lower() == 'stop': send_to_server(f'RT\0{qs[1]}') state.current_procedure = None else: if state.current_procedure: print(f'Procedure manipulation commands are disallowed during procedure recording.') continue if qs[2].lower() == 'run': send_to_server(f'RE\0{qs[1]}') elif qs[2].lower() == 'remove': send_to_server(f'RD\0{qs[1]}') elif qs[2].lower() == 'save': send_to_server(f'RS\0{qs[1]}') elif qs[2].lower() == 'load': send_to_server(f'RL\0{qs[1]}') elif len(qs) > 1: if qs[1].lower() == 'display': send_to_server(f'Rd\0') else: print(procedure_help) continue elif q.startswith('force'): splits = q.split() if len(splits > 1) and splits[1] == 'compiled': state.force_compiled = True cxt.force_compiled = True continue elif q.startswith('engine'): splits = q.split() if len(splits) > 1 and splits[1] in backend_strings: state.cfg.backend_type = backend_strings[splits[1]].value else: cxt.Error('Not a valid engine type.') print('External Engine is set to', Backend_Type(state.cfg.backend_type).name) continue trimed = ws.sub(' ', og_q).split(' ') if len(trimed) > 1 and trimed[0].lower().startswith('fi') or trimed[0].lower() == 'f': fn = 'stock.a' if len(trimed) <= 1 or len(trimed[1]) == 0 \ else trimed[1] try: with open(fn, 'r') as file: contents = except FileNotFoundError: with open('tests/' + fn, 'r') as file: contents = state.stmts = parser.parse(contents) state.currstats.parse_time = state.currstats.stop() continue state.stmts = parser.parse(og_q.strip()) cxt.Info(state.stmts) state.currstats.parse_time = state.currstats.stop() except (ParseException) as e: print(e) continue except (ValueError, FileNotFoundError) as e: try: os.remove('./cached') except: pass print(e) except (KeyboardInterrupt): break except SystemExit: print("\nBye.") raise except ValueError as e: import code import traceback __stdin = os.dup(0) raise_exception = True sh = code.InteractiveConsole({**globals(), **locals()}) try: sh.interact(banner = traceback.format_exc(), exitmsg = 'debugging session ended.') except: pass finally: sys.stdin = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BufferedReader(io.FileIO(__stdin, mode='rb', closefd=False)), encoding='utf8') save('', cxt) rm(state) # control whether to raise exception in interactive console if raise_exception: raise e rm(state) ## FUNCTIONS END ## MAIN if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 2: nextcmd = sys.argv[1] if nextcmd.startswith('-'): nextcmd = '' #nextcmd = 'test.aquery' if nextcmd or check_param(['-s', '--script']): with open(nextcmd) as file: nextcmd = file.readline() from common.utils import _Counter if'aquery') or nextcmd.strip() == '#!aquery': state = init_prompt() while(nextcmd): while(not ws.sub('', nextcmd) or nextcmd.strip().startswith('#')): nextcmd = file.readline() cnt = _Counter(1) prompt(lambda : > 0, lambda:nextcmd.strip(), state) nextcmd = file.readline() if check_param(['-p', '--parse']): with open(nextcmd, 'r') as file: contents = print(parser.parse(contents)) if check_param(['-m', '--mode', '--run-type']): nextcmd = nextcmd.lower() ipc_string = ['ipc', 'proc', '2', 'standalong'] thread_string = ['thread', '1'] if any([s in nextcmd for s in ipc_string]): server_mode = RunType.IPC elif any([s in nextcmd for s in thread_string]): server_mode = RunType.Threaded if check_param(['-r', '--rebuild']): try: os.remove('./.cached') except FileNotFoundError: pass prompt(state=state)