You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

136 lines
5.6 KiB

from engine.ast import ColRef, TableInfo, ast_node, Context, include
from engine.groupby import groupby
from engine.join import join
from engine.expr import expr
from engine.scan import filter
from engine.utils import base62uuid, enlist, base62alp
from engine.ddl import outfile
import copy
class projection(ast_node):
def __init__(self, parent:ast_node, node, context:Context = None, outname = None, disp = True):
self.disp = disp
self.outname = outname
ast_node.__init__(self, parent, node, context)
def init(self, _):
if self.outname is None:
self.outname = self.context.gen_tmptable()
def produce(self, node):
p = node['select']
self.projections = p if type(p) is list else [p]
def spawn(self, node):
self.datasource = None
if 'from' in node:
from_clause = node['from']
if type(from_clause) is list:
# from joins
join(self, from_clause)
elif type(from_clause) is dict:
if 'value' in from_clause:
value = from_clause['value']
if type(value) is dict:
if 'select' in value:
# from subquery
projection(self, from_clause, disp = False)
# TODO: from func over table
print(f'from func over table{node}')
elif type(value) is str:
self.datasource = self.context.tables_byname[value]
if 'assumptions' in from_clause:
for assumption in enlist(from_clause['assumptions']):
ord = assumption['ord'] == 'asc'
attrib = assumption['attrib']
ord = '^' if ord else '|^'
# TODO: generate view of table by order
elif type(from_clause) is str:
self.datasource = self.context.tables_byname[from_clause]
if self.datasource is None:
raise ValueError('spawn error: from clause')
if self.datasource is not None:
self.datasource_changed = True
self.prev_datasource = self.context.datasource
self.context.datasource = self.datasource
if 'where' in node:
self.datasource = filter(self, node['where'], True).output
self.context.datasource = self.datasource
if 'groupby' in node:
self.group_node = groupby(self, node['groupby'])
self.datasource = copy(self.datasource) # shallow copy
self.datasource.groupinfo = self.group_node
self.group_node = None
def consume(self, node):
disp_varname = 'd'+base62uuid(7)
pcolrefs = []
if type(self.group_node) is groupby:
grp_table =
grp_refs = self.group_node.referenced
for i, proj in enumerate(self.projections):
self.datasource.rec = []
cname = ''
if type(proj) is dict:
if 'value' in proj:
e = proj['value']
if type(e) is str:
cname = self.datasource.parse_tablenames(proj['value'])
elif type(e) is dict:
cname = expr(self, e).k9expr
cname = ''.join([a if a in base62alp else '' for a in cname])
self.datasource.rec = None
keys = 'k'+base62uuid(7)
fn = 'fn' + base62uuid(6)
# self.emit
flatten = False
cols = []
self.out_table = TableInfo('out_'+base62uuid(4), [], self.context)
if 'outfile' in node:
flatten = True
for i, proj in enumerate(self.projections):
cname = ''
if type(proj) is dict:
if 'value' in proj:
e = proj['value']
if type(e) is str:
cname = self.datasource.parse_tablenames(proj['value'])
elif type(e) is dict:
cname = expr(self, e).k9expr
cname = ''.join([a if a in base62alp else '' for a in cname])
self.emit_no_ln(';'if i < len(self.projections)-1 else '')
cols.append(ColRef(f'(+{disp_varname})[{i}]', 'generic', self.out_table, 0, None, cname, i))
if flatten:
self.emit_no_ln(f'{disp_varname}:' if flatten else '')
if flatten or self.disp:
if len(self.projections) > 1:
if flatten:
if flatten:
self.out_table.columns = cols
outfile(self, node['outfile'])
if self.datasource_changed:
self.context.datasource = self.prev_datasource
import sys