# AwesomePascal Another PL/0 language (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PL/0) compiler and debugger that is written in C++. ## Introduction This code came from my undergrad course project for compiler principles in 2015. The code quality is beyond horrible but it's some of my earliest big projects. ## Architecture - The compiler uses **SLR(1)** parsing. The grammar is hard-coded in the form of an LR parsing table (`states`) and the FOLLOW set (`follows`) which is initialized in `initStates()` function. - The compiler was written from the ground up **without any third-party libraries** except the standard C++ library. - It contains: - A lexer (`GETSYM()` function) that processes the input into tokens and literals while constructing a symbol table - A parser (`BLOCK()` function) that uses shift/reduce-parsing to generate the target code (pseudo-assembly) - An interpreter (`INTERPRET()` function) that executes the pseudo-assembly code. ## Build Supported Environments: - MSVC project: AwesomePascal.vcxproj - GNU C++/Clang: compile AwesomePascal.cpp directly ## Examples - InsertionSort.pas: A simple program that takes 5 integers and sorts them in descending order. - NumericExpr.pas: A simple program that contains numerical expressions and control flow. - ## Usage >`$ g++ -O3 -DNDEBUG AwesomePascal.cpp -o BP` >`$ ./BP InsersionSort.pas`