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echo "Running all test cases inside src/test/data/pa2/sample/ folder)"
java -cp "chocopy-ref.jar:target/assignment.jar" chocopy.ChocoPy --pass=rr --reset --dir src/test/data/pa2/
# can't be parsed by reference compiler, because it contains our improvements in PA1. Therefore, we generate the ast with our parser and then use the reference semantic checker to generate the reference type information for testing.
java -cp "chocopy-ref.jar:target/assignment.jar" chocopy.ChocoPy --pass=s --reset --dir src/test/data/pa2/student_contributed/
java -cp "chocopy-ref.jar:target/assignment.jar" chocopy.ChocoPy --pass=.r --reset --dir src/test/data/pa2/student_contributed/