Cleanup Part 1

Apoorva Ranade 3 years ago
parent bb25165c34
commit d529a8f17b

@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
backend.emitLI(A0, EXIT_ECALL, "Code for ecall: exit");
@ -110,8 +109,6 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
// --- Prologue ---
// space for return address = 1
// space for control link = 1
@ -126,14 +123,14 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
//backend.emitSW(FP, SP, requiredStackSpace-12, "static link");
backend.emitADDI(FP, SP, sizelabel, "New fp is at old SP.");
StmtAnalyzer stmtAnalyzer = new StmtAnalyzer(funcInfo);
int emptySlotNum = 3;
for (StackVarInfo var : funcInfo.getLocals()) {
for (StackVarInfo var : funcInfo.getLocals())
Literal varLiteral = var.getInitialValue();
Register reg = varLiteral.dispatch(stmtAnalyzer);
// All Literals should save locations for the values in A0
backend.emitSW(A0, SP, sizelabel+String.format("-%d",emptySlotNum*wordSize), "Push local variable " + var.getVarName() + " onto stack");
backend.emitSW(reg, SP, sizelabel+String.format("-%d",emptySlotNum*wordSize), "Push local variable " + var.getVarName() + " onto stack");
@ -143,13 +140,13 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
// statements use fp to load the variables
// example: 0(fp) is the last variable (z) while 8(fp) is the first variable (x)
// for function with 3 params f(x, y, z)
for (Stmt stmt : funcInfo.getStatements()) {
for (Stmt stmt : funcInfo.getStatements())
backend.emitJ(stmtAnalyzer.epilogue, "Jump to function epilogue");
// --- Epilogue ---
backend.emitLocalLabel(stmtAnalyzer.epilogue, "Epilogue");
backend.emitLW(RA, FP, -4, "Get return address");
@ -159,7 +156,8 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
/** An analyzer that encapsulates code generation for statements. */
private class StmtAnalyzer extends AbstractNodeAnalyzer<Register> {
private class StmtAnalyzer extends AbstractNodeAnalyzer<Register>
* The symbol table has all the info you need to determine what a given
* identifier 'x' in the current scope is. You can use it as follows: SymbolInfo
@ -199,8 +197,7 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
/** Label of code that exits from block. */
protected Stack<Label> elseBlock = new Stack<Label>();
/** Label which stores total size of function on stack */
private final String size_label;
/** Variable to store offset from frame pointer to identify next
* empty space on stack frame to store variable*/
@ -210,7 +207,8 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
private boolean l_value = false;
private final Register[] registerPool = {T2,T3, T4, T5, T6, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7};
private final boolean[] registerAvilMap = {true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true};
private int getRegister(){ //return a handle of a vacant register
private int getRegister()
{ //return a handle of a vacant register
for(int i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
@ -222,13 +220,16 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
System.out.println("Insufficient Registers!!!");
registerAvilMap[i] = true; //freeall;
return 0;
private void freeRegister(int handle){ //handle used to free the register
private void freeRegister(int handle)
{ //handle used to free the register
registerAvilMap[handle] = true;
private int getParamLocationOffset(int index, int paramSize) {
private int getParamLocationOffset(int index, int paramSize)
return (paramSize - index - 1) * wordSize;
@ -236,7 +237,8 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
return - (index - paramSize + 1) * wordSize;
private int getStaticLinkOffset(int paramSize) {
private int getStaticLinkOffset(int paramSize)
return paramSize * wordSize;
@ -244,39 +246,44 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
* An analyzer for the function described by FUNCINFO0, which is null for the
* top level.
StmtAnalyzer(FuncInfo funcInfo0) {
StmtAnalyzer(FuncInfo funcInfo0)
funcInfo = funcInfo0;
if (funcInfo == null) {
if (funcInfo == null)
sym = globalSymbols;
sp_off = max_sp = 2;
size_label = "@..main.size";
} else {
sym = funcInfo.getSymbolTable();
sp_off = max_sp = funcInfo0.getLocals().size() + 2 + 1;
size_label = "@"+funcInfo0.getFuncName()+".size";
epilogue = generateLocalLabel();
private void incSp(int i){
private void incSp(int i)
max_sp = max_sp >= sp_off?max_sp:sp_off;
public void emitSizeLabel(){
public void emitSizeLabel()
backend.defineSym(size_label, max_sp*wordSize);
// *********** functions start ***********
public Register analyze(CallExpr node) {
System.out.println("Inside CallExpr: " +;
//ackend.emitLW(T6, FP, 0, "Inside CallExpr: " +;
SymbolInfo Ty = sym.get(;
if(Ty instanceof ClassInfo){
public Register analyze(CallExpr node)
SymbolInfo ty = sym.get(;
if(ty instanceof ClassInfo)
//object create
ClassInfo cls = (ClassInfo) Ty;
ClassInfo cls = (ClassInfo) ty;
la a0, $DoublingVector$prototype # Load pointer to prototype of: DoublingVector
jal alloc # Allocate new object in A0
@ -289,8 +296,7 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
addi sp, fp, -@..main.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
lw a0, -12(fp) # Pop stack slot 3
backend.emitLA(A0, cls.getPrototypeLabel(),
String.format("Load pointer to prototype of: %s", cls.getClassName()));
backend.emitLA(A0, cls.getPrototypeLabel(), String.format("Load pointer to prototype of: %s", cls.getClassName()));
backend.emitJAL(objectAllocLabel, "Allocate new object in A0");
backend.emitSW(A0, FP, -sp_off*wordSize, String.format("Push on stack slot %d", sp_off));
@ -303,16 +309,16 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
backend.emitADDI(SP, FP, "-"+size_label, "Set SP to stack frame top.");
-- sp_off;
backend.emitLW(A0, FP, -sp_off*wordSize, String.format("Pop stack slot %d", sp_off));
} else {
// function
Identifier functionId = node.function;
FuncInfo calleeFunctionInfo = (FuncInfo) sym.get(;
boolean isInMainFunction = funcInfo == null;
if (!isInMainFunction) {
System.out.println("--> caller: " + funcInfo.getFuncName() + " depth: " + funcInfo.getDepth());
System.out.println("--> callee: " + calleeFunctionInfo.getFuncName() + " depth: " + calleeFunctionInfo.getDepth());
int calleeDepth = calleeFunctionInfo.getDepth();
// function
Identifier functionId = node.function;
FuncInfo calleeFunctionInfo = (FuncInfo) sym.get(;
boolean isInMainFunction = funcInfo == null;
if (!isInMainFunction)
int calleeDepth = calleeFunctionInfo.getDepth();
int callerDepth = funcInfo.getDepth();
int jumps = callerDepth - calleeDepth + 1;
@ -322,74 +328,81 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
backend.emitMV(tmp, FP, "Load FP");
FuncInfo curr = funcInfo;
for (int i = 0; i < jumps; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < jumps; i++)
backend.emitLW(tmp, tmp, curr.getParams().size()*wordSize, "Load static link to " + curr.getFuncName());
curr = curr.getParentFuncInfo();
backend.emitSW(tmp, FP, -(sp_off+1) * wordSize, "Push static link onto active frame.");
else {
backend.emitSW(FP, FP, -(sp_off+1) * wordSize, "Push static link onto active frame.");
int origsp = sp_off;
backend.emitSW(FP, FP, -(sp_off+1) * wordSize, "Push static link onto active frame.");
int origsp = sp_off;
List<Expr> args = node.args;
int spaceRequiredForArgs = (args.size() + 1)*4;
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
int argNum = i + 1;
int slotNum = argNum + 1; // We have extra slot for static link
Expr expr = args.get(i);
String formalParamName = calleeFunctionInfo.getParams().get(i);
StackVarInfo formalParamInfo = (StackVarInfo) calleeFunctionInfo.getSymbolTable().get(formalParamName);
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++)
int argNum = i + 1;
int slotNum = argNum + 1; // We have extra slot for static link
Expr expr = args.get(i);
String formalParamName = calleeFunctionInfo.getParams().get(i);
StackVarInfo formalParamInfo = (StackVarInfo) calleeFunctionInfo.getSymbolTable().get(formalParamName);
if (expr.getInferredType().equals(Type.INT_TYPE)) {
if (("print")) &&(formalParamInfo.getVarType().equals(Type.OBJECT_TYPE) || formalParamInfo.getVarType().equals(Type.INT_TYPE))) {
if(!(args.size() == 1 && (args.get(0) instanceof CallExpr) &&
if (expr.getInferredType().equals(Type.INT_TYPE))
if (("print")) &&(formalParamInfo.getVarType().equals(Type.OBJECT_TYPE) || formalParamInfo.getVarType().equals(Type.INT_TYPE)))
if(!(args.size() == 1 && (args.get(0) instanceof CallExpr) &&
(sym.get(((CallExpr) args.get(0)) instanceof ClassInfo)))
backend.emitJAL(makeintLabel, "Box integer");
backend.emitJAL(makeintLabel, "Box integer");
} else {
// FIXME: passed argument does not match formal parameter
} else if (expr.getInferredType().equals(Type.BOOL_TYPE)) {
if (("print"))&&(formalParamInfo.getVarType().equals(Type.OBJECT_TYPE) || formalParamInfo.getVarType().equals(Type.BOOL_TYPE))) {
if(!(args.size() == 1 && (args.get(0) instanceof CallExpr) &&
else if (expr.getInferredType().equals(Type.BOOL_TYPE))
if (("print"))&&(formalParamInfo.getVarType().equals(Type.OBJECT_TYPE) || formalParamInfo.getVarType().equals(Type.BOOL_TYPE)))
if(!(args.size() == 1 && (args.get(0) instanceof CallExpr) &&
(sym.get(((CallExpr) args.get(0)) instanceof ClassInfo)))
backend.emitJAL(makeboolLabel, "Box boolean");
backend.emitJAL(makeboolLabel, "Box boolean");
else {
// FIXME: passed argument does not match formal parameter
// All expressions should save their end result in A0
// So, once expr is evaluated add value inside A0 onto stack as an actual argument
//System.out.printf("1: %d\n",sp_off + 1 - slotNum-origsp);
backend.emitSW(A0, FP, -(sp_off) * wordSize, "Push actual argument for " + formalParamName + " onto stack");
backend.emitSW(A0, FP, -(sp_off) * wordSize, "Push actual argument for " + formalParamName + " onto stack");
//System.out.printf("2: %d",sp_off - spaceRequiredForArgs/wordSize - origsp);
backend.emitADDI(SP, FP, -(sp_off)*wordSize, "Set SP to last argument.");
backend.emitJAL(calleeFunctionInfo.getCodeLabel(), "Invoke function: " +;
backend.emitADDI(SP, FP, "-"+size_label, "Set SP to stack frame top.");
backend.emitADDI(SP, FP, -(sp_off)*wordSize, "Set SP to last argument.");
backend.emitJAL(calleeFunctionInfo.getCodeLabel(), "Invoke function: " +;
backend.emitADDI(SP, FP, "-"+size_label, "Set SP to stack frame top.");
return A0;
public Register analyze(MethodCallExpr node) {
public Register analyze(MethodCallExpr node)
System.out.println("Inside MethodCallExpr: " +;
// backend.emitLW(T6, FP, 0, "Inside MethodCallExpr: " +;
Register obj = node.method.object.dispatch(this);
Register obj = node.method.object.dispatch(this);
int n_args = node.args.size();
Label label = generateLocalLabel();
@ -422,29 +435,23 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
public Register analyze(ReturnStmt stmt) {
System.out.println("Inside ReturnStmt: ");
// backend.emitLW(T6, FP, 0, "Inside ReturnStmt: ");
Expr expr = stmt.value;
if (expr == null) {
backend.emitMV(A0, ZERO, "Return None");
// All expressions should save their end result in A0
backend.emitJ(this.epilogue, "Jump to function epilogue");
public Register analyze(ReturnStmt stmt)
Expr expr = stmt.value;
if(expr == null)
backend.emitMV(A0, ZERO, "Return None");
// All expressions should save their end result in A0
backend.emitJ(this.epilogue, "Jump to function epilogue");
return A0;
// *********** functions end ***********
public Register analyze(NoneLiteral node)
System.out.println("Inside NoneLiteral: ");
// backend.emitLW(T6, FP, 0, "Inside NoneLiteral: ");
backend.emitMV(Register.A0, Register.ZERO, "Load none");
return Register.A0;
@ -452,8 +459,6 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
public Register analyze(StringLiteral node)
System.out.println("Inside StringLiteral: ");
//backend.emitLW(T6, FP, 0, "Inside StringLiteral: ");
Label l = constants.getStrConstant(node.value);
backend.emitLA(Register.A0, l, "Load string literal");
return Register.A0;
@ -462,8 +467,6 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
public Register analyze(BooleanLiteral node)
System.out.println("Inside BooleanLiteral: ");
// backend.emitLW(T6, FP, 0, "Inside BooleanLiteral: ");
backend.emitLI(Register.A0, 1, "Load boolean literal: true ");
@ -471,7 +474,8 @@ public class CodeGenImpl extends CodeGenBase
return Register.A0;
class StackVarRuntimeInfo {
class StackVarRuntimeInfo
public final int off;
public final Register sl;
public int regHandle;
