<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>ChocoPy Web IDE</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/normalize.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/sakura.css" />
    <script src="js/ace.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
        .example { 
          border: 1px solid black;
          width: 50em;
          height: 20em;

        .compile-error-marker {
            position: absolute;
            background-color: rgba(255, 200, 200, 0.3);

        .compile-button {
            float: right;

<h1>Compile Me!</h1>

<select id="p1">
    <option value="s">My Parser</option>
    <option value="r" selected>Reference Parser</option>

<button id='parseButton' class='compile-button'>Parse Syntax</button>

<br />

<select id="p2">
    <option value="s">My Semantic Analysis</option>
    <option value="r" selected>Reference Semantic Analysis</option>

<button id='staticCheckButton' class='compile-button'>Run Static Checks</button>

<br />

<select id="p3">
    <option value="s">My Code Generator</option>
    <option value="r" selected>Reference Code Generator</option>

<button id='compileButton' class='compile-button'>Compile to RISC-V</button>

<pre class="example"></pre>

    var compileService = "/compile";
    var Range = require('ace/range').Range;

    function makeEditor(example) {
        var parseButton = $("#parseButton");
        var staticCheckButton = $("#staticCheckButton");
        var compileButton = $("#compileButton");
        var editor = ace.edit(example, {
            theme: "ace/theme/github",
            mode: "ace/mode/python",
              fontSize: "1em"

        var errorMarkers = []

        function clearMarkers() {
            for (var marker of errorMarkers) {
            errorMarkers.length = 0;

        editor.on('change', () => {

        $(".compile-button").click((e) => {
            var button = e.target.id; 
            console.assert(button == 'parseButton' || 
                button == 'staticCheckButton' ||
                button == 'compileButton');

            var parse = true; // always run stage 1
            var check = button != 'parseButton'; // run unless only stage 1 requested
            var codegen = button == 'compileButton'; // run only when stage 3 requested

            var code = editor.getValue();
            var p1 = parse ? $("#p1").val() : "";
            var p2 = check ? $("#p2").val() : "";
            var p3 = codegen ? $("#p3").val() : "";
            if (codegen) {
                var resultWindow = window.open('venus.html?v=0.2.4' , '_blank');
                if (resultWindow == null) {
                    console.error("Could not open new window...");
                    return; // Cannot show result
                resultWindow.onload = () => resultWindow.codeMirror.setValue("# Compiling... Please be patient. This can take a few seconds.\n" +
                    "# (The first compilation takes the longest)");
                url: compileService, 
                type: "POST",
                  contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                  dataType: "json",
                data: JSON.stringify({input: code, passes:p1+p2+p3}), 
                success: function(result) {
                    if (result.asm) {
                        var asm = result.asm;
                            resultWindow.codeMirror.setValue("# Compiled ChocoPy Program to RISC-V assembly\n" +
                            "# Execute (run or step-through) using the 'Simulator' tab above \n" +
                            "# Output will appear on the bottom-left of the simulator\n" + asm);
                    } else if (result.errors && result.errors.errors && result.errors.errors.length > 0) {
                        if (codegen) { resultWindow.close(); }
                        var annotations = []

                        for (var error of result.errors.errors) { 
                            var loc = error.location;
                            var msg = error.message;
                            var startLine = loc[0] - 1;
                            var startCol = loc[1] - 1;
                            var endLine = loc[2] - 1;
                            var endCol = loc[3] - 1;
                            var range = new Range(startLine, startCol, endLine, endCol+1);
                            errorMarkers.push(editor.session.addMarker(range, "compile-error-marker", "text", true));

                                row: Math.min(Math.max(0, startLine), editor.session.getLength()-1),
                                text: msg,
                                type: "error"

                    } else if (!codegen && result.kind && result.kind == "Program") {
                        if (check) {
                            alert("This program is semantically valid!");
                        } else {
                            alert("This program parses!");
                    } else {
                        alert("Unknown error: Should not reach here :-\\");
                error: (xhr) => {
                    var w = window;
                    if (resultWindow) { w = resultWindow; }
                    w.alert("Request to compile service failed :-(\n\n" + 
                        (xhr.responseText || "Unknown error"));
                    if (resultWindow) { resultWindow.close(); }


    $(".example").each((i, e) => makeEditor(e))
