package chocopy.common.analysis.types; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** Semantic information for a function or method. */ public class FuncType extends Type { /** Function's name. */ //public final String name; /** Types of parameters. */ public List parameters; /** Function's return type. */ public final ValueType returnType; /** Create a FuncType returning RETURNTYPE0, initially parameterless. */ public FuncType(ValueType returnType0) { this(new ArrayList<>(), returnType0); } /** * Create a FuncType for NAME0 with formal parameter types PARAMETERS0, returning type * RETURNTYPE0. */ @JsonCreator public FuncType(List parameters0, ValueType returnType0) { this.parameters = parameters0; this.returnType = returnType0; } @Override public boolean isFuncType() { return true; } /** Return the type of the K-th parameter. */ public ValueType getParamType(int k) { return parameters.get(k); } @Override public String toString() { return ""; } }