# Grading Core Tests: 66/66 Extra: - graph.py 5/5 - mergesort.py 5/5 - nesting.py 4/4 ========================= Standard tests: 80/80 Work Log: 10/10 Additional Tests: 10/10 Code style: 10/10 Improvements: +3 Overall: 113/110 # Parsing Your parser passed all tests, including the hidden ones, congratulations! Nice catch on the multiline string, which is a missing piece in the ChocoPy specification. Looking forward to your next project. # Testing Good work in the challenging cases in `good.py` like nested functions and class methods, and in `bad.py` like statements in class definition. It looks like you haven't added your own tests besides those in `good.py` and `bad.py`. We recommend pinning down more of your functionality with short, targeted tests in the future. # Process We generally recommend using pull requests over directly pushing into the master branch, especially when you want to work in parallel. As the project becomes more complex, you may appreciate the benefits of a more structured SDLC process. # Code Your code is clean and readable, with consistent naming convention and proper amount of comments. Well done.