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1199 lines
53 KiB

.equiv @sbrk, 9
.equiv @print_string, 4
.equiv @print_char, 11
.equiv @print_int, 1
.equiv @exit2, 17
.equiv @read_string, 8
.equiv @fill_line_buffer, 18
.equiv @.__obj_size__, 4
.equiv @.__len__, 12
.equiv @.__int__, 12
.equiv @.__bool__, 12
.equiv @.__str__, 16
.equiv @.__elts__, 16
.equiv @error_div_zero, 2
.equiv @error_arg, 1
.equiv @error_oob, 3
.equiv @error_none, 4
.equiv @error_oom, 5
.equiv @error_nyi, 6
.equiv @listHeaderWords, 4
.equiv @strHeaderWords, 4
.equiv @bool.True, const_1
.equiv @bool.False, const_0
.globl $object$prototype
.word 0 # Type tag for class: object
.word 3 # Object size
.word $object$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.align 2
.globl $int$prototype
.word 1 # Type tag for class: int
.word 4 # Object size
.word $int$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 0 # Initial value of attribute: __int__
.align 2
.globl $bool$prototype
.word 2 # Type tag for class: bool
.word 4 # Object size
.word $bool$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 0 # Initial value of attribute: __bool__
.align 2
.globl $str$prototype
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 5 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 0 # Initial value of attribute: __len__
.word 0 # Initial value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl $.list$prototype
.word -1 # Type tag for class: .list
.word 4 # Object size
.word 0 # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 0 # Initial value of attribute: __len__
.align 2
.globl $object$dispatchTable
.word $object.__init__ # Implementation for method: object.__init__
.globl $int$dispatchTable
.word $object.__init__ # Implementation for method: int.__init__
.globl $bool$dispatchTable
.word $object.__init__ # Implementation for method: bool.__init__
.globl $str$dispatchTable
.word $object.__init__ # Implementation for method: str.__init__
.globl $c
.word 42 # Initial value of global var: c
.globl $n
.word 10 # Initial value of global var: n
.globl $s
.word const_2 # Initial value of global var: s
.globl $i
.word 0 # Initial value of global var: i
.globl main
lui a0, 8192 # Initialize heap size (in multiples of 4KB)
add s11, s11, a0 # Save heap size
jal heap.init # Call heap.init routine
mv gp, a0 # Initialize heap pointer
mv s10, gp # Set beginning of heap
add s11, s10, s11 # Set end of heap (= start of heap + heap size)
mv ra, zero # No normal return from main program.
mv fp, zero # No preceding frame.
addi sp, sp, -@..main.size # Reserve space for stack frame.
sw ra, @..main.size-4(sp) # return address
sw fp, @..main.size-8(sp) # control link
addi fp, sp, @..main.size # New fp is at old SP.
jal initchars # Initialize one-character strings.
lw a0, $n # Load global: n
sub a0, zero, a0 # Unary negation
sw a0, -12(fp) # Push on stack slot 3
lw a0, $c # Load global: c
lw t0, -12(fp) # Pop stack slot 3
mul a0, t0, a0 # Operator *
sw a0, $i, t0 # Assign global: i (using tmp register)
j label_2 # Jump to loop test
label_1: # Top of while loop
lw a0, $i # Load global: i
sw a0, -16(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -16 # Set SP to last argument.
jal $int_to_str # Invoke function: int_to_str
addi sp, fp, -@..main.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
sw a0, $s, t0 # Assign global: s (using tmp register)
lw a0, $s # Load global: s
sw a0, -16(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -16 # Set SP to last argument.
jal $print # Invoke function: print
addi sp, fp, -@..main.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
lw a0, $s # Load global: s
sw a0, -16(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -16 # Set SP to last argument.
jal $str_to_int # Invoke function: str_to_int
addi sp, fp, -@..main.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
sw a0, -12(fp) # Push on stack slot 3
lw a0, $c # Load global: c
lw t0, -12(fp) # Pop stack slot 3
add a0, t0, a0 # Operator +
sw a0, $i, t0 # Assign global: i (using tmp register)
label_2: # Test loop condition
lw a0, $i # Load global: i
sw a0, -12(fp) # Push on stack slot 3
lw a0, $n # Load global: n
sw a0, -16(fp) # Push on stack slot 4
lw a0, $c # Load global: c
lw t0, -16(fp) # Pop stack slot 4
mul a0, t0, a0 # Operator *
lw t0, -12(fp) # Pop stack slot 3
bge a0, t0, label_1 # Branch on <=
.equiv @..main.size, 16
label_0: # End of program
li a0, 10 # Code for ecall: exit
.globl $object.__init__
# Init method for type object.
mv a0, zero # `None` constant
jr ra # Return
.globl $print
# Function print
lw a0, 0(sp) # Load arg
beq a0, zero, print_6 # None is an illegal argument
lw t0, 0(a0) # Get type tag of arg
li t1, 1 # Load type tag of `int`
beq t0, t1, print_7 # Go to print(int)
li t1, 3 # Load type tag of `str`
beq t0, t1, print_8 # Go to print(str)
li t1, 2 # Load type tag of `bool`
beq t0, t1, print_9 # Go to print(bool)
print_6: # Invalid argument
li a0, 1 # Exit code for: Invalid argument
la a1, const_3 # Load error message as str
addi a1, a1, @.__str__ # Load address of attribute __str__
j abort # Abort
# Printing bools
print_9: # Print bool object in A0
lw a0, @.__bool__(a0) # Load attribute __bool__
beq a0, zero, print_10 # Go to: print(False)
la a0, const_4 # String representation: True
j print_8 # Go to: print(str)
print_10: # Print False object in A0
la a0, const_5 # String representation: False
j print_8 # Go to: print(str)
# Printing strs.
print_8: # Print str object in A0
addi a1, a0, @.__str__ # Load address of attribute __str__
j print_11 # Print the null-terminated string is now in A1
mv a0, zero # Load None
j print_5 # Go to return
print_11: # Print null-terminated string in A1
li a0, @print_string # Code for ecall: print_string
ecall # Print string
li a1, 10 # Load newline character
li a0, @print_char # Code for ecall: print_char
ecall # Print character
j print_5 # Go to return
# Printing ints.
print_7: # Print int object in A0
lw a1, @.__int__(a0) # Load attribute __int__
li a0, @print_int # Code for ecall: print_int
ecall # Print integer
li a1, 10 # Load newline character
li a0, 11 # Code for ecall: print_char
ecall # Print character
print_5: # End of function
mv a0, zero # Load None
jr ra # Return to caller
.globl $len
# Function len
# We do not save/restore fp/ra for this function
# because we know that it does not use the stack or does not
# call other functions.
lw a0, 0(sp) # Load arg
beq a0, zero, len_12 # None is an illegal argument
lw t0, 0(a0) # Get type tag of arg
li t1, 3 # Load type tag of `str`
beq t0, t1, len_13 # Go to len(str)
li t1, -1 # Load type tag for list objects
beq t0, t1, len_13 # Go to len(list)
len_12: # Invalid argument
li a0, @error_arg # Exit code for: Invalid argument
la a1, const_3 # Load error message as str
addi a1, a1, @.__str__ # Load address of attribute __str__
j abort # Abort
len_13: # Get length of string
lw a0, @.__len__(a0) # Load attribute: __len__
jr ra # Return to caller
.globl $input
# Function input
addi sp, sp, -16 # Reserve stack
sw ra, 12(sp) # Save registers
sw fp, 8(sp)
sw s1, 4(sp)
addi fp, sp, 16 # Set fp
li a0, @fill_line_buffer # Fill the internal line buffer.
bgez a0, input_nonempty # More input found
la a0, $str$prototype # EOF: Return empty string.
j input_done
mv s1, a0
addi t0, s1, 5 # Compute bytes for string (+NL+NUL),
addi t0, t0, @.__str__ # Including header.
srli a1, t0, 2 # Convert to words.
la a0, $str$prototype # Load address of string prototype.
jal ra, alloc2 # Allocate string.
sw s1, @.__len__(a0) # Store string length.
mv a2, s1 # Pass length.
mv s1, a0 # Save string object address.
addi a1, a0, @.__str__ # Pass address of string data.
li a0, @read_string # ecall to read from internal buffer.
addi a0, a0, 1 # Actual length (including NL).
sw a0, @.__len__(s1) # Store actual length.
add t0, a0, s1
li t1, 10 # Store newline and null byte
sb t1, @.__str__-1(t0)
sb zero, @.__str__(t0) # Store null byte at end.
mv a0, s1 # Return string object.
lw s1, -12(fp)
lw ra, -4(fp)
lw fp, -8(fp)
addi sp, sp, 16
jr ra
.globl $int_to_str
addi sp, sp, -@int_to_str.size # Reserve space for stack frame.
sw ra, @int_to_str.size-4(sp) # return address
sw fp, @int_to_str.size-8(sp) # control link
addi fp, sp, @int_to_str.size # New fp is at old SP.
mv a0, zero # Load None
sw a0, -12(fp) # local variable digits
la a0, const_2 # Load string literal
sw a0, -16(fp) # local variable result
la a0, const_6 # Load string literal
sw a0, -24(fp) # Push argument 10 from last.
la a0, const_7 # Load string literal
sw a0, -28(fp) # Push argument 9 from last.
la a0, const_8 # Load string literal
sw a0, -32(fp) # Push argument 8 from last.
la a0, const_9 # Load string literal
sw a0, -36(fp) # Push argument 7 from last.
la a0, const_10 # Load string literal
sw a0, -40(fp) # Push argument 6 from last.
la a0, const_11 # Load string literal
sw a0, -44(fp) # Push argument 5 from last.
la a0, const_12 # Load string literal
sw a0, -48(fp) # Push argument 4 from last.
la a0, const_13 # Load string literal
sw a0, -52(fp) # Push argument 3 from last.
la a0, const_14 # Load string literal
sw a0, -56(fp) # Push argument 2 from last.
la a0, const_15 # Load string literal
sw a0, -60(fp) # Push argument 1 from last.
li a0, 10 # Pass list length
sw a0, -64(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -64 # Set SP to last argument.
jal conslist # Move values to new list object
addi sp, fp, -@int_to_str.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
sw a0, -12(fp) # Assign var: int_to_str.digits
lw a0, 0(fp) # Load var: int_to_str.x
sw a0, -20(fp) # Push on stack slot 5
li a0, 0 # Load integer literal 0
lw t0, -20(fp) # Pop stack slot 5
bge t0, a0, label_5 # Branch on not <
la a0, const_16 # Load string literal
sw a0, -16(fp) # Assign var: int_to_str.result
lw a0, 0(fp) # Load var: int_to_str.x
sub a0, zero, a0 # Unary negation
sw a0, 0(fp) # Assign var: int_to_str.x
label_5: # End of if-else statement
lw a0, 0(fp) # Load var: int_to_str.x
sw a0, -20(fp) # Push on stack slot 5
li a0, 10 # Load integer literal 10
lw t0, -20(fp) # Pop stack slot 5
blt t0, a0, label_6 # Branch on not >=
lw a0, -16(fp) # Load var: int_to_str.result
sw a0, -28(fp) # Push argument 1 from last.
lw a0, 0(fp) # Load var: int_to_str.x
sw a0, -52(fp) # Push on stack slot 13
li a0, 10 # Load integer literal 10
lw t0, -52(fp) # Pop stack slot 13
bnez a0, label_7 # Ensure non-zero divisor
j error.Div # Go to error handler
label_7: # Divisor is non-zero
xor t2, t0, a0 # Check for same sign
bltz t2, label_9 # If !=, need to adjust left operand
div a0, t0, a0 # Operator //
j label_8
label_9: # Operands have differing signs
slt t2, zero, a0 # tmp = 1 if right > 0 else 0
add t2, t2, t2 # tmp *= 2
addi t2, t2, -1 # tmp = 1 if right>=0 else -1
add t2, t0, t2 # Adjust left operand
div t2, t2, a0 # Adjusted division, toward 0
addi a0, t2, -1 # Complete division when signs !=
label_8: # End of //
sw a0, -48(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -48 # Set SP to last argument.
jal $int_to_str # Invoke function: int_to_str
addi sp, fp, -@int_to_str.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
sw a0, -32(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -32 # Set SP to last argument.
jal strcat # Call string concatenation function
addi sp, fp, -@int_to_str.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
sw a0, -16(fp) # Assign var: int_to_str.result
label_6: # End of if-else statement
lw a0, -16(fp) # Load var: int_to_str.result
sw a0, -28(fp) # Push argument 1 from last.
lw a0, -12(fp) # Load var: int_to_str.digits
sw a0, -36(fp) # Push on stack slot 9
lw a0, 0(fp) # Load var: int_to_str.x
sw a0, -40(fp) # Push on stack slot 10
li a0, 10 # Load integer literal 10
lw t0, -40(fp) # Pop stack slot 10
bnez a0, label_10 # Ensure non-zero divisor
j error.Div # Go to error handler
label_10: # Divisor is non-zero
rem t2, t0, a0 # Operator rem
beqz t2, label_11 # If no remainder, no adjustment
xor t3, t2, a0 # Check for differing signs.
bgez t3, label_11 # Don't adjust if signs equal.
add a0, t2, a0 # Adjust
j label_12
label_11: # Store result
mv a0, t2
label_12: # End of %
lw a1, -36(fp) # Pop stack slot 9
bnez a1, label_13 # Ensure not None
j error.None # Go to error handler
label_13: # Not None
lw t0, 12(a1) # Load attribute: __len__
bltu a0, t0, label_14 # Ensure 0 <= index < len
j error.OOB # Go to error handler
label_14: # Index within bounds
addi a0, a0, 4 # Compute list element offset in words
li t0, 4 # Word size in bytes
mul a0, a0, t0 # Compute list element offset in bytes
add a0, a1, a0 # Pointer to list element
lw a0, 0(a0) # Get list element
sw a0, -32(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -32 # Set SP to last argument.
jal strcat # Call string concatenation function
addi sp, fp, -@int_to_str.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
sw a0, -16(fp) # Assign var: int_to_str.result
lw a0, -16(fp) # Load var: int_to_str.result
j label_4 # Go to return
mv a0, zero # Load None
j label_4 # Jump to function epilogue
label_4: # Epilogue
.equiv @int_to_str.size, 64
lw ra, -4(fp) # Get return address
lw fp, -8(fp) # Use control link to restore caller's fp
addi sp, sp, @int_to_str.size # Restore stack pointer
jr ra # Return to caller
.globl $str_to_int
addi sp, sp, -@str_to_int.size # Reserve space for stack frame.
sw ra, @str_to_int.size-4(sp) # return address
sw fp, @str_to_int.size-8(sp) # control link
addi fp, sp, @str_to_int.size # New fp is at old SP.
li a0, 0 # Load integer literal 0
sw a0, -12(fp) # local variable result
li a0, 0 # Load integer literal 0
sw a0, -16(fp) # local variable digit
la a0, const_2 # Load string literal
sw a0, -20(fp) # local variable char
li a0, 1 # Load integer literal 1
sw a0, -24(fp) # local variable sign
li a0, 1 # Load boolean literal: true
sw a0, -28(fp) # local variable first_char
lw a0, 0(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.x
sw a0, -32(fp) # Push on stack slot 8
mv t1, zero # Initialize for-loop index
sw t1, -36(fp) # Push on stack slot 9
label_17: # for-loop header
lw t1, -36(fp) # Peek stack slot 8
lw t0, -32(fp) # Peek stack slot 7
lw t2, 12(t0) # Get attribute __len__
bgeu t1, t2, label_18 # Exit loop if idx >= len(iter)
lw t0, -36(fp) # Pop stack slot 9
lw a1, -32(fp) # Peek stack slot 7
addi t1, t0, 1 # Increment index for next iteration
sw t1, -36(fp) # Push on stack slot 9
addi t0, t0, 16 # Convert index to offset to char in bytes
add t0, a1, t0 # Get pointer to char
lbu t0, 0(t0) # Load character
li t1, 20
mul t0, t0, t1 # Multiply by size of string object
la a0, allChars # Index into single-char table
add a0, a0, t0
sw a0, -20(fp) # Assign var: str_to_int.char
lw a0, -20(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.char
sw a0, -44(fp) # Push argument 1 from last.
la a0, const_16 # Load string literal
sw a0, -48(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -48 # Set SP to last argument.
jal streql # Call string == function
addi sp, fp, -@str_to_int.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
beqz a0, label_20 # Branch on false.
lw a0, -28(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.first_char
bnez a0, label_21 # Branch on true.
li a0, 0 # Load integer literal 0
j label_16 # Go to return
label_21: # End of if-else statement
li a0, 1 # Load integer literal 1
sub a0, zero, a0 # Unary negation
sw a0, -24(fp) # Assign var: str_to_int.sign
j label_19 # Then body complete; jump to end-if
label_20: # Else body
lw a0, -20(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.char
sw a0, -44(fp) # Push argument 1 from last.
la a0, const_6 # Load string literal
sw a0, -48(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -48 # Set SP to last argument.
jal streql # Call string == function
addi sp, fp, -@str_to_int.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
beqz a0, label_23 # Branch on false.
li a0, 0 # Load integer literal 0
sw a0, -16(fp) # Assign var: str_to_int.digit
j label_22 # Then body complete; jump to end-if
label_23: # Else body
lw a0, -20(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.char
sw a0, -44(fp) # Push argument 1 from last.
la a0, const_7 # Load string literal
sw a0, -48(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -48 # Set SP to last argument.
jal streql # Call string == function
addi sp, fp, -@str_to_int.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
beqz a0, label_25 # Branch on false.
li a0, 1 # Load integer literal 1
sw a0, -16(fp) # Assign var: str_to_int.digit
j label_24 # Then body complete; jump to end-if
label_25: # Else body
lw a0, -20(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.char
sw a0, -44(fp) # Push argument 1 from last.
la a0, const_8 # Load string literal
sw a0, -48(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -48 # Set SP to last argument.
jal streql # Call string == function
addi sp, fp, -@str_to_int.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
beqz a0, label_27 # Branch on false.
li a0, 2 # Load integer literal 2
sw a0, -16(fp) # Assign var: str_to_int.digit
j label_26 # Then body complete; jump to end-if
label_27: # Else body
lw a0, -20(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.char
sw a0, -44(fp) # Push argument 1 from last.
la a0, const_9 # Load string literal
sw a0, -48(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -48 # Set SP to last argument.
jal streql # Call string == function
addi sp, fp, -@str_to_int.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
beqz a0, label_29 # Branch on false.
li a0, 3 # Load integer literal 3
sw a0, -16(fp) # Assign var: str_to_int.digit
j label_28 # Then body complete; jump to end-if
label_29: # Else body
lw a0, -20(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.char
sw a0, -44(fp) # Push argument 1 from last.
la a0, const_9 # Load string literal
sw a0, -48(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -48 # Set SP to last argument.
jal streql # Call string == function
addi sp, fp, -@str_to_int.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
beqz a0, label_31 # Branch on false.
li a0, 3 # Load integer literal 3
sw a0, -16(fp) # Assign var: str_to_int.digit
j label_30 # Then body complete; jump to end-if
label_31: # Else body
lw a0, -20(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.char
sw a0, -44(fp) # Push argument 1 from last.
la a0, const_10 # Load string literal
sw a0, -48(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -48 # Set SP to last argument.
jal streql # Call string == function
addi sp, fp, -@str_to_int.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
beqz a0, label_33 # Branch on false.
li a0, 4 # Load integer literal 4
sw a0, -16(fp) # Assign var: str_to_int.digit
j label_32 # Then body complete; jump to end-if
label_33: # Else body
lw a0, -20(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.char
sw a0, -44(fp) # Push argument 1 from last.
la a0, const_11 # Load string literal
sw a0, -48(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -48 # Set SP to last argument.
jal streql # Call string == function
addi sp, fp, -@str_to_int.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
beqz a0, label_35 # Branch on false.
li a0, 5 # Load integer literal 5
sw a0, -16(fp) # Assign var: str_to_int.digit
j label_34 # Then body complete; jump to end-if
label_35: # Else body
lw a0, -20(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.char
sw a0, -44(fp) # Push argument 1 from last.
la a0, const_12 # Load string literal
sw a0, -48(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -48 # Set SP to last argument.
jal streql # Call string == function
addi sp, fp, -@str_to_int.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
beqz a0, label_37 # Branch on false.
li a0, 6 # Load integer literal 6
sw a0, -16(fp) # Assign var: str_to_int.digit
j label_36 # Then body complete; jump to end-if
label_37: # Else body
lw a0, -20(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.char
sw a0, -44(fp) # Push argument 1 from last.
la a0, const_13 # Load string literal
sw a0, -48(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -48 # Set SP to last argument.
jal streql # Call string == function
addi sp, fp, -@str_to_int.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
beqz a0, label_39 # Branch on false.
li a0, 7 # Load integer literal 7
sw a0, -16(fp) # Assign var: str_to_int.digit
j label_38 # Then body complete; jump to end-if
label_39: # Else body
lw a0, -20(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.char
sw a0, -44(fp) # Push argument 1 from last.
la a0, const_14 # Load string literal
sw a0, -48(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -48 # Set SP to last argument.
jal streql # Call string == function
addi sp, fp, -@str_to_int.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
beqz a0, label_41 # Branch on false.
li a0, 8 # Load integer literal 8
sw a0, -16(fp) # Assign var: str_to_int.digit
j label_40 # Then body complete; jump to end-if
label_41: # Else body
lw a0, -20(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.char
sw a0, -44(fp) # Push argument 1 from last.
la a0, const_15 # Load string literal
sw a0, -48(fp) # Push argument 0 from last.
addi sp, fp, -48 # Set SP to last argument.
jal streql # Call string == function
addi sp, fp, -@str_to_int.size # Set SP to stack frame top.
beqz a0, label_43 # Branch on false.
li a0, 9 # Load integer literal 9
sw a0, -16(fp) # Assign var: str_to_int.digit
j label_42 # Then body complete; jump to end-if
label_43: # Else body
li a0, 0 # Load integer literal 0
j label_16 # Go to return
label_42: # End of if-else statement
label_40: # End of if-else statement
label_38: # End of if-else statement
label_36: # End of if-else statement
label_34: # End of if-else statement
label_32: # End of if-else statement
label_30: # End of if-else statement
label_28: # End of if-else statement
label_26: # End of if-else statement
label_24: # End of if-else statement
label_22: # End of if-else statement
label_19: # End of if-else statement
li a0, 0 # Load boolean literal: false
sw a0, -28(fp) # Assign var: str_to_int.first_char
lw a0, -12(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.result
sw a0, -40(fp) # Push on stack slot 10
li a0, 10 # Load integer literal 10
lw t0, -40(fp) # Pop stack slot 10
mul a0, t0, a0 # Operator *
sw a0, -40(fp) # Push on stack slot 10
lw a0, -16(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.digit
lw t0, -40(fp) # Pop stack slot 10
add a0, t0, a0 # Operator +
sw a0, -12(fp) # Assign var: str_to_int.result
j label_17 # Loop back to header
label_18: # for-loop footer
lw a0, -12(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.result
sw a0, -32(fp) # Push on stack slot 8
lw a0, -24(fp) # Load var: str_to_int.sign
lw t0, -32(fp) # Pop stack slot 8
mul a0, t0, a0 # Operator *
j label_16 # Go to return
mv a0, zero # Load None
j label_16 # Jump to function epilogue
label_16: # Epilogue
.equiv @str_to_int.size, 48
lw ra, -4(fp) # Get return address
lw fp, -8(fp) # Use control link to restore caller's fp
addi sp, sp, @str_to_int.size # Restore stack pointer
jr ra # Return to caller
.globl alloc
# Runtime support function alloc.
# Prototype address is in a0.
lw a1, 4(a0) # Get size of object in words
j alloc2 # Allocate object with exact size
.globl alloc2
# Runtime support function alloc2 (realloc).
# Prototype address is in a0.
# Number of words to allocate is in a1.
li a2, 4 # Word size in bytes
mul a2, a1, a2 # Calculate number of bytes to allocate
add a2, gp, a2 # Estimate where GP will move
bgeu a2, s11, alloc2_15 # Go to OOM handler if too large
lw t0, @.__obj_size__(a0) # Get size of object in words
mv t2, a0 # Initialize src ptr
mv t3, gp # Initialize dest ptr
alloc2_16: # Copy-loop header
lw t1, 0(t2) # Load next word from src
sw t1, 0(t3) # Store next word to dest
addi t2, t2, 4 # Increment src
addi t3, t3, 4 # Increment dest
addi t0, t0, -1 # Decrement counter
bne t0, zero, alloc2_16 # Loop if more words left to copy
mv a0, gp # Save new object's address to return
sw a1, @.__obj_size__(a0) # Set size of new object in words
# (same as requested size)
mv gp, a2 # Set next free slot in the heap
jr ra # Return to caller
alloc2_15: # OOM handler
li a0, @error_oom # Exit code for: Out of memory
la a1, const_17 # Load error message as str
addi a1, a1, @.__str__ # Load address of attribute __str__
j abort # Abort
.globl abort
# Runtime support function abort (does not return).
mv t0, a0 # Save exit code in temp
li a0, @print_string # Code for print_string ecall
ecall # Print error message in a1
li a1, 10 # Load newline character
li a0, @print_char # Code for print_char ecall
ecall # Print newline
mv a1, t0 # Move exit code to a1
li a0, @exit2 # Code for exit2 ecall
ecall # Exit with code
abort_17: # Infinite loop
j abort_17 # Prevent fallthrough
.globl heap.init
# Runtime support function heap.init.
mv a1, a0 # Move requested size to A1
li a0, @sbrk # Code for ecall: sbrk
ecall # Request A1 bytes
jr ra # Return to caller
.globl concat
addi sp, sp, -32
sw ra, 28(sp)
sw fp, 24(sp)
addi fp, sp, 32
sw s1, -12(fp)
sw s2, -16(fp)
sw s3, -20(fp)
sw s4, -24(fp)
sw s5, -28(fp)
lw t0, 4(fp)
lw t1, 0(fp)
beqz t0, concat_none
beqz t1, concat_none
lw t0, @.__len__(t0)
lw t1, @.__len__(t1)
add s5, t0, t1
addi a1, s5, @listHeaderWords
la a0, $.list$prototype
jal alloc2
sw s5, @.__len__(a0)
mv s5, a0
addi s3, s5, @.__elts__
lw s1, 4(fp)
lw s2, @.__len__(s1)
addi s1, s1, @.__elts__
lw s4, 12(fp)
beqz s2, concat_2
lw a0, 0(s1)
jalr ra, s4, 0
sw a0, 0(s3)
addi s2, s2, -1
addi s1, s1, 4
addi s3, s3, 4
j concat_1
lw s1, 0(fp)
lw s2, @.__len__(s1)
addi s1, s1, @.__elts__
lw s4, 8(fp)
beqz s2, concat_4
lw a0, 0(s1)
jalr ra, s4, 0
sw a0, 0(s3)
addi s2, s2, -1
addi s1, s1, 4
addi s3, s3, 4
j concat_3
mv a0, s5
lw s1, -12(fp)
lw s2, -16(fp)
lw s3, -20(fp)
lw s4, -24(fp)
lw s5, -28(fp)
lw ra, -4(fp)
lw fp, -8(fp)
addi sp, sp, 32
jr ra
j error.None
.globl conslist
addi sp, sp, -8
sw ra, 4(sp)
sw fp, 0(sp)
addi fp, sp, 8
lw a1, 0(fp)
la a0, $.list$prototype
beqz a1, conslist_done
addi a1, a1, @listHeaderWords
jal alloc2
lw t0, 0(fp)
sw t0, @.__len__(a0)
slli t1, t0, 2
add t1, t1, fp
addi t2, a0, @.__elts__
lw t3, 0(t1)
sw t3, 0(t2)
addi t1, t1, -4
addi t2, t2, 4
addi t0, t0, -1
bnez t0, conslist_1
lw ra, -4(fp)
lw fp, -8(fp)
addi sp, sp, 8
jr ra
.globl strcat
addi sp, sp, -12
sw ra, 8(sp)
sw fp, 4(sp)
addi fp, sp, 12
lw t0, 4(fp)
lw t1, 0(fp)
lw t0, @.__len__(t0)
beqz t0, strcat_4
lw t1, @.__len__(t1)
beqz t1, strcat_5
add t1, t0, t1
sw t1, -12(fp)
addi t1, t1, 4
srli t1, t1, 2
addi a1, t1, @listHeaderWords
la a0, $str$prototype
jal alloc2
lw t0, -12(fp)
sw t0, @.__len__(a0)
addi t2, a0, 16
lw t0, 4(fp)
lw t1, @.__len__(t0)
addi t0, t0, @.__str__
beqz t1, strcat_2
lbu t3, 0(t0)
sb t3, 0(t2)
addi t1, t1, -1
addi t0, t0, 1
addi t2, t2, 1
j strcat_1
lw t0, 0(fp)
lw t1, 12(t0)
addi t0, t0, 16
beqz t1, strcat_6
lbu t3, 0(t0)
sb t3, 0(t2)
addi t1, t1, -1
addi t0, t0, 1
addi t2, t2, 1
j strcat_3
lw a0, 0(fp)
j strcat_7
lw a0, 4(fp)
j strcat_7
sb zero, 0(t2)
lw ra, -4(fp)
lw fp, -8(fp)
addi sp, sp, 12
jr ra
.globl streql
addi sp, sp, -8
sw ra, 4(sp)
sw fp, 0(sp)
addi fp, sp, 8
lw a1, 4(fp)
lw a2, 0(fp)
lw t0, @.__len__(a1)
lw t1, @.__len__(a2)
bne t0, t1, streql_no
lbu t2, @.__str__(a1)
lbu t3, @.__str__(a2)
bne t2, t3, streql_no
addi a1, a1, 1
addi a2, a2, 1
addi t0, t0, -1
bgtz t0, streql_1
li a0, 1
j streql_end
xor a0, a0, a0
lw ra, -4(fp)
lw fp, -8(fp)
addi sp, sp, 8
jr ra
.globl strneql
addi sp, sp, -8
sw ra, 4(sp)
sw fp, 0(sp)
addi fp, sp, 8
lw a1, 4(fp)
lw a2, 0(fp)
lw t0, @.__len__(a1)
lw t1, @.__len__(a2)
bne t0, t1, strneql_yes
lbu t2, @.__str__(a1)
lbu t3, @.__str__(a2)
bne t2, t3, strneql_yes
addi a1, a1, 1
addi a2, a2, 1
addi t0, t0, -1
bgtz t0, strneql_1
xor a0, a0, a0
j strneql_end
li a0, 1
lw ra, -4(fp)
lw fp, -8(fp)
addi sp, sp, 8
jr ra
.globl makeint
addi sp, sp, -8
sw ra, 4(sp)
sw a0, 0(sp)
la a0, $int$prototype
jal ra, alloc
lw t0, 0(sp)
sw t0, @.__int__(a0)
lw ra, 4(sp)
addi sp, sp, 8
jr ra
.globl makebool
slli a0, a0, 4
la t0, @bool.False
add a0, a0, t0
jr ra
.globl noconv
jr ra
.globl initchars
la a0, $str$prototype
lw t0, 0(a0)
lw t1, 4(a0)
lw t2, 8(a0)
li t3, 1
la a0, allChars
li t4, 256
mv t5, zero
sw t0, 0(a0)
sw t1, 4(a0)
sw t2, 8(a0)
sw t3, 12(a0)
sw t5, 16(a0)
addi a0, a0, 20
addi t5, t5, 1
bne t4, t5, initchars_1
jr ra
.align 2
.globl allChars
.space 5120
.globl error.None
li a0, 4 # Exit code for: Operation on None
la a1, const_18 # Load error message as str
addi a1, a1, 16 # Load address of attribute __str__
j abort # Abort
.globl error.Div
li a0, 2 # Exit code for: Division by zero
la a1, const_19 # Load error message as str
addi a1, a1, 16 # Load address of attribute __str__
j abort # Abort
.globl error.OOB
li a0, 3 # Exit code for: Index out of bounds
la a1, const_20 # Load error message as str
addi a1, a1, 16 # Load address of attribute __str__
j abort # Abort
.globl const_0
.word 2 # Type tag for class: bool
.word 4 # Object size
.word $bool$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 0 # Constant value of attribute: __bool__
.align 2
.globl const_1
.word 2 # Type tag for class: bool
.word 4 # Object size
.word $bool$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 1 # Constant value of attribute: __bool__
.align 2
.globl const_2
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 5 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 0 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_17
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 8 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 13 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "Out of memory" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_4
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 6 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 4 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "True" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_5
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 6 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 5 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "False" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_16
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 5 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 1 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "-" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_6
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 5 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 1 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "0" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_7
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 5 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 1 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "1" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_19
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 9 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 16 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "Division by zero" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_8
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 5 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 1 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "2" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_9
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 5 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 1 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "3" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_10
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 5 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 1 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "4" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_11
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 5 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 1 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "5" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_12
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 5 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 1 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "6" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_20
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 9 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 19 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "Index out of bounds" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_13
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 5 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 1 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "7" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_14
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 5 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 1 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "8" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_15
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 5 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 1 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "9" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_18
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 9 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 17 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "Operation on None" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2
.globl const_3
.word 3 # Type tag for class: str
.word 9 # Object size
.word $str$dispatchTable # Pointer to dispatch table
.word 16 # Constant value of attribute: __len__
.string "Invalid argument" # Constant value of attribute: __str__
.align 2