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# Runtime support function alloc2 (realloc).
# Prototype address is in a0.
# Number of words to allocate is in a1.
li a2, 4 # Word size in bytes
mul a2, a1, a2 # Calculate number of bytes to allocate
add a2, gp, a2 # Estimate where GP will move
bgeu a2, s11, alloc2_15 # Go to OOM handler if too large
lw t0, @.__obj_size__(a0) # Get size of object in words
mv t2, a0 # Initialize src ptr
mv t3, gp # Initialize dest ptr
alloc2_16: # Copy-loop header
lw t1, 0(t2) # Load next word from src
sw t1, 0(t3) # Store next word to dest
addi t2, t2, 4 # Increment src
addi t3, t3, 4 # Increment dest
addi t0, t0, -1 # Decrement counter
bne t0, zero, alloc2_16 # Loop if more words left to copy
mv a0, gp # Save new object's address to return
sw a1, @.__obj_size__(a0) # Set size of new object in words
# (same as requested size)
mv gp, a2 # Set next free slot in the heap
jr ra # Return to caller
alloc2_15: # OOM handler
li a0, @error_oom # Exit code for: Out of memory
la a1, STRING["Out of memory"] # Load error message as str
addi a1, a1, @.__str__ # Load address of attribute __str__
j abort # Abort