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# Function len
# We do not save/restore fp/ra for this function
# because we know that it does not use the stack or does not
# call other functions.
lw a0, 0(sp) # Load arg
beq a0, zero, len_12 # None is an illegal argument
lw t0, 0(a0) # Get type tag of arg
li t1, 3 # Load type tag of `str`
beq t0, t1, len_13 # Go to len(str)
li t1, -1 # Load type tag for list objects
beq t0, t1, len_13 # Go to len(list)
len_12: # Invalid argument
li a0, @error_arg # Exit code for: Invalid argument
la a1, STRING["Invalid argument"] # Load error message as str
addi a1, a1, @.__str__ # Load address of attribute __str__
j abort # Abort
len_13: # Get length of string
lw a0, @.__len__(a0) # Load attribute: __len__
jr ra # Return to caller