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package chocopy.pa2;
import chocopy.common.analysis.AbstractNodeAnalyzer;
import chocopy.common.analysis.SymbolTable;
import chocopy.common.analysis.types.ClassVType;
import chocopy.common.analysis.types.ClassValueType;
import chocopy.common.analysis.types.FuncType;
import chocopy.common.analysis.types.FuncValueType;
import chocopy.common.analysis.types.ListValueType;
import chocopy.common.analysis.types.Type;
import chocopy.common.analysis.types.ValueType;
import chocopy.common.astnodes.*;
import static chocopy.common.analysis.types.Type.INT_TYPE;
import static chocopy.common.analysis.types.Type.OBJECT_TYPE;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import javax.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.BoldAction;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JacksonInject.Value;
* Analyzer that performs ChocoPy type checks on all nodes. Applied after collecting declarations.
public class TypeChecker extends AbstractNodeAnalyzer<Type> {
// global scope
private final SymbolTable<Type> sym;
private final DeclarationAnalyzer declAnalyzer;
/** The current symbol table (changes depending on the function being analyzed). */
private SymbolTable<Type> currentScope;
private Type currReturnType;
private boolean returned = false, member = false;
/** Collector for errors. */
private final Errors errors;
private boolean assign = false;
private boolean declAnalyzed = false;
private final HashMap<FuncDef, SymbolTable<Type>> funcScopes;
* Creates a type checker using GLOBALSYMBOLS for the initial global symbol table and ERRORS0 to
* receive semantic errors.
public TypeChecker(SymbolTable<Type> globalSymbols, Errors errors0) {
sym = globalSymbols;
currentScope = sym;
errors = errors0;
currReturnType = null;
declAnalyzer = new DeclarationAnalyzer(errors0, this, globalSymbols);
funcScopes = new HashMap<>();
* Inserts an error message in NODE if there isn't one already. The message is constructed with
* MESSAGE and ARGS as for String.format.
private boolean isVariableType(Type ty){
return ty.isSpecialType() || ty.equals(Type.OBJECT_TYPE);
public boolean pushDeclAnalyzed() {
boolean orig = declAnalyzed;
declAnalyzed = true;
return orig;
public void popDeclAnalyzed(boolean orig) {
declAnalyzed = orig;
private Type declAnalyze(Node node){
//if(currentScope != sym)
return node.dispatch(declAnalyzer);
private void err(Node node, String message, Object... args) {
errors.semError(node, message, args);
public Type analyze(Program program) {
for (Declaration decl : program.declarations) {
for (Stmt stmt : program.statements) {
return null;
public Type analyze(ClassDef node){
ClassVType t = (ClassVType) sym.get(;
SymbolTable<Type> backScope = currentScope;
currentScope = t.scope;
for(Declaration decl : node.declarations){
currentScope = backScope;
return null;
public Type analyze(AssignStmt node) {
Type tr = node.value.dispatch(this);
Type tl;
boolean error = false;
for (Expr ex : node.targets)
tl = ex.dispatch(this);
if(error) continue;
else if(tl == null)
err(node, "Expression `%s` type inference error.", ex);
error = true;
else if (ex instanceof IndexExpr &&
err(ex, "`str` is not a list type");
error = true;
else if(tr!=null && tl.isListType() && tr.isListType())
err(node, "Expected type `%s`; got type `%s`", tl, tr);
error = true;
else if(tl.isListType() && Type.EMPTY_TYPE.equals(tr)) ; //continue;
else if(tr != null && !(StudentAnalysis.subClassOf(tl, tr, currentScope) || !tl.isSpecialType() && tr.equals(Type.NONE_TYPE)))
err(node, "Expected type `%s`; got type `%s`", tl, tr);
error = true;
return null;
public Type analyze(BooleanLiteral node) {
return node.setInferredType(Type.BOOL_TYPE);
public void dispatchFuncDef(FuncDef node, SymbolTable<Type> scope, boolean declAnalyzed){
boolean prevDeclAnalyzed = this.declAnalyzed;
this.declAnalyzed = declAnalyzed;
SymbolTable<Type> origScope = currentScope;
currentScope = scope;
currentScope = origScope;
this.declAnalyzed = prevDeclAnalyzed;
public Type analyze(FuncDef node) {
SymbolTable<Type> origScope = currentScope;
if(funcScopes.get(node) != null)
currentScope = declAnalyzer.createScope(currentScope);
funcScopes.put(node, currentScope);
//currentScope = funcScopes.get(node);
returned = false;
Type prevReturnType = this.currReturnType;
this.currReturnType = ValueType.annotationToValueType(node.returnType);
for(Stmt st : node.statements)
if(currReturnType != null && currReturnType.isSpecialType() && !returned)
err(, "All paths in this function/method must have a return statement: %s",;
this.currReturnType = prevReturnType;
currentScope = origScope;
return null;
public Type analyze(CallExpr node) {
Type f = currentScope.get(;
ArrayList<Type> types = new ArrayList<>();
for(Expr ex: node.args)
if(f != null && f.isFuncType())
FuncType fty = (FuncType) f;
int lArgs = node.args.size(), lPars = fty.parameters.size();
if(lArgs != lPars)
err(node, "Expected %d arguments; got %d", lPars, lArgs);
for(int i = 0; i < lArgs; ++i){
Type p = fty.parameters.get(i);
Type c = types.get(i);
if((p.isSpecialType()&&!p.equals(c)) ||
(!p.isSpecialType()&&!StudentAnalysis.subClassOf(p, c, currentScope)))
err(node,"Expected type `%s`; got type `%s` in parameter %d", p, c, i);
node.function.setInferredType(new FuncType(fty.parameters, fty.returnType));
return node.setInferredType(fty.returnType);
else if (f != null && f instanceof ClassVType){
ClassVType cty = (ClassVType) f;
return node.setInferredType(new ClassValueType(f.className()));
err(node, "Not a function or class: %s",;
return node.setInferredType(Type.NONE_TYPE);
public Type analyze(ClassType node) {
return sym.get(node.className);
public Type analyze(ForStmt node) {
Type iterableType = node.iterable.setInferredType(
if(iterableType == null)
err(node, "Iterable `%s` type inference error.", node.iterable);
else if (iterableType.equals(Type.STR_TYPE))
else if(iterableType.elementType() == null){
err(node, "`%s` isn't iterable", iterableType);
for(Stmt st : node.body)
return null;
public Type analyze(IfExpr node) {
Type condTy = node.condition.dispatch(this);
err(node, "If condition `%s` isn't a boolean expression.", node.condition);
Type ifTy = node.thenExpr.dispatch(this),
elseTy = node.elseExpr.dispatch(this);
return node.setInferredType(StudentAnalysis.lowestCommonType(ifTy, elseTy, currentScope));
public Type analyze(IfStmt node) {
Type condTy = node.condition.dispatch(this);
err(node, "If condition `%s` isn't a boolean expression.", node.condition);
boolean prevReturned = returned, thenReturned;
for(Stmt st : node.thenBody)
thenReturned = prevReturned || returned;
returned = prevReturned;
for(Stmt st : node.elseBody)
returned = returned && thenReturned;
return null;
public Type analyze(IndexExpr node) {
Type listTy = node.list.dispatch(this);
if(!(listTy.isListType() || listTy.equals(Type.STR_TYPE)))
err(node, "Cannot index into type `%s`", listTy);
err(node, "Index is of non-integer type `%s`", node.index.getInferredType());
return node.setInferredType(Type.STR_TYPE);
else if(listTy.elementType() != null)
return node.setInferredType(listTy.elementType());
else return node.setInferredType(Type.OBJECT_TYPE);
public Type analyze(ListExpr node) {
Type t = null;
for(Expr ex : node.elements)
Type thisType = ex.dispatch(this);
if(t == null)
t = thisType;
t = StudentAnalysis.lowestCommonType(t, thisType, currentScope);
if(t == null)
return node.setInferredType(Type.EMPTY_TYPE);
return node.setInferredType(new ListValueType(t));
public Type analyze(MemberExpr node) {
boolean prevIsMember = member;
member = false;
Type ty = node.object.dispatch(this);
if(ty instanceof ClassValueType){
ty = currentScope.get(((ClassValueType) ty).className());
if(ty instanceof ClassVType){
ClassVType classTy = (ClassVType) ty;
Type type = classTy.scope == null? null:classTy.scope.get(;
if(type != null)
return node.setInferredType(type);
err(node, "There is no %s named `%s` in class `%s`",
prevIsMember?"method":"attribute",, classTy);
} else
err(node, "Class `%s` undefined", ty.className());
err(node, "`%s` isn't a class.", ty);
return node.setInferredType(ValueType.OBJECT_TYPE);
public Type analyze(MethodCallExpr node) {
boolean prevIsMember = member;
member = true;
Type ty = node.method.dispatch(this);
member = prevIsMember;
Type thisTy = Type.OBJECT_TYPE;
if(ty instanceof FuncType){
FuncType funcTy = (FuncType) ty;
int len = funcTy.parameters.size() - 1, largs = node.args.size();
if(largs != len)
err(node, "Expected %d arguments; got %d", len, largs);
len = len<=largs?len:largs;
for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i){
Expr thisArg = node.args.get(i);
Type thisArgTy = thisArg.setInferredType(thisArg.dispatch(this)),
thisParamTy = funcTy.parameters.get(i + 1);
if(!thisParamTy.equals(thisArgTy) && !StudentAnalysis.subClassOf(thisParamTy, thisArgTy, currentScope))
err(node, "Expected type `%s`; got type `%s` in parameter %d",
thisParamTy, thisArgTy, i + 1);
thisTy = funcTy.returnType;
// else
// err(node.method.member, "`%s` isn't a MemberFunction.",;
for(Expr args : node.args)
return node.setInferredType(thisTy);
public Type analyze(NoneLiteral node) {
return node.setInferredType(Type.NONE_TYPE);
public Type analyze(NonLocalDecl node) {
SymbolTable<Type> parent = currentScope.getParent();
if(parent == null || parent == sym ||
err(node.variable, "Not a nonlocal variable: %s",;
} else if(currentScope.getDeclaredSymbols().contains({
node.variable, "Duplicate declaration of identifier in same scope: %s",;
Type nonlocalVar = parent.get(;
currentScope.put(, nonlocalVar);
return null;
public Type analyze(ReturnStmt node) {
if(node.value != null)
Type p = this.currReturnType;
Type c = (node.value == null ? Type.NONE_TYPE: node.value.getInferredType());
if(node.value == null && p.isSpecialType())
err(node, "Expected type `%s`; got `None`", p);
else if(p.isSpecialType()&&(c.equals(Type.NONE_TYPE)) || (!c.equals(Type.NONE_TYPE) && !StudentAnalysis.subClassOf(p, c, currentScope)))
err(node, "Expected type `%s`; got type `%s`", p, c);
returned = true;
return null;
public Type analyze(StringLiteral node) {
return node.setInferredType(Type.STR_TYPE);
public Type analyze(TypedVar node) {
return ValueType.annotationToValueType(node.type);
public Type analyze(VarDef node) {
return declAnalyze(node);
public Type analyze(UnaryExpr node) {
Type t = node.operand.dispatch(this);
switch (node.operator) {
case "-":
case "+":
if (INT_TYPE.equals(t)) {
return node.setInferredType(INT_TYPE);
} else {
err(node, "Cannot apply operator `%s` on type `%s`", node.operator, t);
return node.setInferredType(INT_TYPE);
case "not":
if (!(Type.BOOL_TYPE.equals(t)))
err(node, "Cannot apply operator `not` on type `%s`", t);
return node.setInferredType(Type.BOOL_TYPE);
return node.setInferredType(OBJECT_TYPE);
public Type analyze(WhileStmt node) {
err(node, "`%s` isn't a boolean expression.", node.condition);
for(Stmt st : node.body)
return null;
public Type analyze(ExprStmt s) {
return null;
public Type analyze(IntegerLiteral i) {
return i.setInferredType(Type.INT_TYPE);
public Type analyze(BinaryExpr e) {
Type t1 = e.left.dispatch(this);
Type t2 = e.right.dispatch(this);
switch (e.operator) {
case "-":
case "*":
case "//":
case "%":
if (INT_TYPE.equals(t1) && INT_TYPE.equals(t2)) {
return e.setInferredType(INT_TYPE);
} else {
err(e, "Cannot apply operator `%s` on types `%s` and `%s`", e.operator, t1, t2);
return e.setInferredType(INT_TYPE);
case "+":
if (INT_TYPE.equals(t1) && INT_TYPE.equals(t2)) {
return e.setInferredType(INT_TYPE);
} else if(Type.STR_TYPE.equals(t1) && Type.STR_TYPE.equals(t2)){
return e.setInferredType(Type.STR_TYPE);
} else if (t1.isListType() && t2.isListType()){
return e.setInferredType(new ListValueType(StudentAnalysis.
lowestCommonType(t1.elementType(), t2.elementType(), currentScope)));
}else if (t1.isListType() && t2.equals(Type.EMPTY_TYPE))
return e.setInferredType(t1);
else {
err(e, "Cannot apply operator `+` on types `%s` and `%s`", t1, t2);
return e.setInferredType(INT_TYPE);
case "and":
case "or":
if (!(Type.BOOL_TYPE.equals(t1) && Type.BOOL_TYPE.equals(t2)))
err(e, "Cannot apply operator `%s` on types `%s` and `%s`", e.operator, t1, t2);
return e.setInferredType(Type.BOOL_TYPE);
case ">":
case "<":
case ">=":
case "<=":
if (!(INT_TYPE.equals(t1) && INT_TYPE.equals(t2)))
err(e, "Cannot apply operator `%s` on types `%s` and `%s`", e.operator, t1, t2);
return e.setInferredType(Type.BOOL_TYPE);
case "!=":
case "==":
if (!(INT_TYPE.equals(t1) && INT_TYPE.equals(t2)
|| Type.BOOL_TYPE.equals(t1) && Type.BOOL_TYPE.equals(t2)
|| Type.STR_TYPE.equals(t1) && Type.STR_TYPE.equals(t2)))
err(e, "Cannot apply operator `%s` on types `%s` and `%s`", e.operator, t1, t2);
return e.setInferredType(Type.BOOL_TYPE);
case "is":
err(e, "Cannot apply operator `%s` on types `%s` and `%s`", e.operator, t1, t2);
return e.setInferredType(Type.BOOL_TYPE);
return e.setInferredType(OBJECT_TYPE);
public Type analyze(Identifier id) {
String varName =;
Type varType = currentScope.get(varName);
if(assign==true && !currentScope.getDeclaredSymbols().contains(varName))
err(id, "Cannot assign to variable that is not explicitly declared in this scope: %s", varName);
else if(assign==false && currentScope.get(varName)==null)
err(id, "Variable not declared in scope: %s", varName);
if (varType != null && varType.isValueType()) {
return id.setInferredType(varType);
err(id, "Not a variable: %s", varName);
return id.setInferredType(ValueType.OBJECT_TYPE);
public Type analyze(GlobalDecl node)
Type ty = sym.get(;
if (sym.declares( || !isVariableType(ty))
node.variable, "Not a global variable: %s",;
return null;
else if(currentScope.getDeclaredSymbols().contains({
node.variable, "Duplicate declaration of identifier in same scope: %s",;
currentScope.put(, ty);
return ty;