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import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
mat = cv2.imread('starburst.png')
mat2 = np.zeros((900, 1273, 3))
rad = 0
for i in range(0, 900):
dt = 0
s = math.sin(rad)
c = math.cos(rad)
for j in range(0, 1273):
# if(dt*c > 913 or dt*c < -913 or dt * s > 900 or dt*s < -900):
# break
x = 900+int(dt*s)
x = x if x < 1800 else 1799
y = 913+int(dt*c)
y = y if y < 1826 else 1799
mat2[i][j] = mat[900+int(dt*s)][913+int(dt*c)]
dt += 1
rad += .007
cv2.imshow('a', mat2)