vec3 foregroundColor = vec3(.0841, .5329, .9604); vec3 groundColor = vec3(.2, .3, .5); vec4 groundSpecular = vec4(.71, .71, .71, 10.); uniform float uTime;// TIME, IN SECONDS uniform int flags; //FLAGS 0-TEX, 1-RT, 2-MOVED, 3-FLASH, 4-TEX_ROT, 5-CLOUD uniform vec4 rot; //ROTATION VALUES USED TO CALCULATE TRANSFORMATION MATRIX //rot=[cosx, sinx, cosy, siny], x, y BING ROTATED ANGLE uniform float dFL; //DELTA on FOCAL LENGTH uniform vec3 fDir;//Flash light direction varying vec3 vPos;// -1 < vPos.x < +1 // -1 < vPos.y < +1 // vPos.z == 0 float fl=3.;//ORIGINAL FOCAL LENGTH const float pi=3.14159265359; const float _2pi=2.*pi; const int n_ref=9; //2^(hits) + 1 because each hit now spawn 2 rays. //const int ns=4; ns is added from .js vec4 Sph[ns]; uniform sampler2D uSampler[ns]; vec3 Ambient[ns]; vec3 Diffuse[ns]; vec4 Specular[ns]; float ks[ns]; float kr[ns]; float kf[ns], kf_air = 1.000293; int type[ns];//Nested objects // 1-sphere, 2-compost sphere, 3- struct Object{ //UPDATED SPHERE STRUCTURE THAT SUPPORTS TRANSPARENCY.(UNUSED) vec4 Pos; vec3 Ambient; vec3 Diffuse; vec4 Specular; int textureid; float ks, kt, kr; }; struct RT{ //STACK FOR RECURSIVE RAY TRACING. vec3 color; float ks; } ; vec3 scolor = vec3(0,0,0); //Actually 2^n_ref struct Ray{ vec3 V; vec3 W; float kf, cumulativeK; } lastRay[n_ref/2]; bool modulo2(int n){ return n-2*(n/2) == 1; } bool getflag(int flag,int bit){ int shifted = flag / int(pow(2.,float(bit))); return modulo2(shifted); } float clampv(float val,float l,float h){ return valh?h:val; } void main(){ vec3 LDir=vec3(.5,.5,.5); vec3 LCol=vec3(1.,1.,1.); // SPHERE Sph[3]=vec4(.9*sin(uTime*.4),0.,.9*cos(uTime*.4),.25); Sph[2]=vec4(.22*sin(uTime*1.2),0.05,.22*cos(uTime*1.2),.02); Sph[0]=vec4(.45*sin(uTime),0.05*cos(uTime + 1.),.45*cos(uTime),.1); Sph[1]=vec4(0.,0.,0.,.15); // SURFACE REFLECTANCE PROPERTIES, can be transferred from .js Ambient[3]=vec3(.1,.1,.1);// r,g,b Diffuse[3]=vec3(.71,.71,.71);// r,g,b Specular[3]=vec4(.71,.71,.71,10.);// r,g,b,power Ambient[2]=vec3(.1,.05,.05);// r,g,b Diffuse[2]=vec3(.71,.71,.71);// r,g,b Specular[2]=vec4(.71,.71,.71,10.);// r,g,b,power Ambient[1]=vec3(.1,.05,.05);// r,g,b Diffuse[1]=vec3(1.,.5,.5);// r,g,b Specular[1]=vec4(1.,.5,.5,10.);// r,g,b,power Ambient[0]=vec3(.05,.05,.1);// r,g,b Diffuse[0]=vec3(.5,.5,1.);// r,g,b Specular[0]=vec4(1.,.5,.5,20.);// r,g,b,power ks[0] = 0.25; ks[1] = 0.1; ks[2] = 0.3; ks[3] = 0.05; kr[0] = 0.25; kr[1] = 0.1; kr[2] = 0.3; kr[3] = 0.05; kf[0] = 1.3; kf[1] = 1.3; //Water kf[2] = 1.5; //Glass kf[3] = 1.; //Vacuum float currKf = kf_air; vec3 color=vec3(.2, .3, .5); float ca=rot.x, sa = rot.y, cb=rot.z, sb=rot.w; mat3 transformation, invTr;//Transformation matrix for viewpoint. transformation[0] = vec3(ca, sb*sa, sa*cb);//because the matrices are all the same, transformation[1] = vec3(0, cb, -sb);//We don't need to calculate it for every pixel transformation[2] = vec3(-sa,ca*sb,ca*cb);//So, we get it from the CPU invTr[0] = vec3(ca, 0, -sa);//it's inverse, to calculate texture mapping. invTr[1] = vec3(sa*sb, cb, ca*sb); invTr[2] = vec3(cb*sa, -sb, ca*cb); vec3 trPos = transformation*((dFL+fl+1.)/(fl+1.))*vec3(vPos.xy, -1); vec3 V0=transformation*vec3(0.,0.,fl+dFL), V = V0; vec3 W=normalize(trPos-V); bool rtxoff = getflag(flags, 1), showtexture = !getflag(flags,0), moved = getflag(flags,2); int cnt_ref = n_ref; float currentK = 1.; for(int j=0;j 0){ Ray currR = lastRay[(j-1)/2]; currKf = currR.kf; currentK = currR.cumulativeK; if(currKf <= 0.0000001 || currentK <= 0.0000001) continue; // We make it terminate w/ kf=0 V = currR.V; W = currR.W; } float tMin=10000.; int iMin = -1; for(int i=0;i0.){ float t=-B-sqrt(D); if(t >= 0.00001 && t < tMin){ tMin = t; // This is an optimization, we don't have to do lighting/tex iMin = i; // for objects that are occuluded, which is expensive! } else if (t >= -0.00001){ t = -(t + 2.*B); if(t < tMin){ tMin = t; iMin = i; } } } } // IF RAY HITS SPHERE if(iMin >= 0){ float t = tMin; vec3 S=V+t*W; for(int i = 0; i < cns; ++ i) if(i == iMin) { vec3 tex_sph = (S-Sph[i].xyz); if(moved) tex_sph=invTr*tex_sph; float R=Sph[i].w; float tex_x=acos(abs(tex_sph.x)/sqrt(R*R-tex_sph.y*tex_sph.y)); if(tex_sph.x>0.) tex_x=pi-tex_x; tex_x*=1.5708;//*Correct aspect ratio of texture 2:1 -> 2pir:2r tex_x=tex_x+float(uTime); float quo=float(int(tex_x/_2pi)); tex_x=tex_x/_2pi - quo; vec3 texture_color; if(showtexture) texture_color=texture2D(uSampler[i],vec2(tex_x,((R-tex_sph.y)/(2.*R)))).xyz; else texture_color = foregroundColor; vec3 N=normalize(S-Sph[i].xyz); vec3 realLDir=normalize(LDir-S); color=( Ambient[i] +Diffuse[i]*max(0.,dot(N,realLDir))*LCol )*texture_color ; if(rtxoff || j >= n_ref/2) //if it's the last hit { color += sqrt(float(j+1)) * Specular[i].xyz*pow(max(0., dot(2.*dot(N,realLDir)*N-realLDir,-W)),Specular[i].w); scolor += color * currentK; } else{ lastRay[2 * j + 1] = Ray(S, (-(2. * dot(N, W) * N - W)), currKf, currentK * ks[i]); //reflection float ita = currKf/kf[i]; float c1 = dot(N, W); float c2 = sqrt(1.-ita*ita*(1.-c1*c1)); lastRay[2 * j + 2] = Ray(S, normalize(ita*W + (ita*c1 - c2)*N), kf[i], currentK * kr[i]); //refraction scolor += currentK*(1. - ks[i] - kr[i]) * color;//stack[j] = RT(color, currentK*(1. - ks[i] - kr[i]) * color; } break; } } else { float t = -(.2+V.y)/W.y; float sx = V.x + t* W.x, sz = V.z + t * W.z; if(t >= 0.&&abs(sx)<1.5 && abs(sz+.6)<3.) { vec3 S = vec3(sx, -.2, sz); vec3 realLDir=normalize(LDir - S); color=( 0.5 //ambient for ground +0.5*max(0.,realLDir.y)*LCol //diffusion for ground )*groundColor ; // + SPECULAR COMPONENT GOES HERE if(rtxoff || j == n_ref - 1) { color += sqrt(float(j+1))** //specular for ground. pow(max(0., dot(vec3(-realLDir.x, realLDir.y,-realLDir.z),-W)),groundSpecular.w); //stack[j] = RT(color, currentK); //ks of ground is 0.15 scolor += currentK * color; } else { lastRay[2 * j + 1] = Ray(S, vec3(W.x, -W.y, W.z), currKf, currentK * 0.15); //reflection //stack[j] = RT(color, currentK * (1.-0.15)); //ks of ground is 0.15 scolor += (currentK*.85)*color; } //lastRay[2 * j + 2] = Ray(S, vec3(0,0,0), 0.); //refraction } else{ if(j > 0) { // If the light bounces away! The color of it is calculated by //stack[j] = RT(sqrt(float(j+1))*vec3(4.,4.,4)*pow(max(0.,dot(W, normalize(LDir - V))), 10.), currentK); scolor += currentK * sqrt(float(j+1)*pow(max(0.,dot(W, normalize(LDir - V))), 10.)) * vec3(4.,4.,4); //cnt_ref = j + 1; } //else //If the light hits the void in the first place, it's just black! //cnt_ref = j;//j is always 0 in this case. break; //The light is shooting into the void, let's stop RT. } } if(rtxoff) break; } if(!rtxoff) { color = scolor; // color = vec3(0,0,0); // //float currks = 1.; // for(int i = 0; i < n_ref; ++i) // { // //if(i >= cnt_ref)//same trick to use bounded non-const on indexes // // { // // color += currks * stack[i - 1].color; //if there're less than n_ref rays, e.g. ray go to the void. // // break; // // } // if(stack[i].ks <0.0000001) // continue; // color += stack[i].ks * stack[i].color;//currks *(1.-stack[i].ks) * stack[i].color; // //currks *= stack[i].ks; // } // // if(n_ref == cnt_ref) // // color += currks * stack[n_ref - 1].color; } gl_FragColor=vec4(sqrt(color),1.); }