attribute vec3 aPos; varying vec3 trPos; uniform mat3 transformation; //I used mat3 instead of the augmented mat4 matrix because we //are not doing complex projections yet. I implemented simple //perspective projection back in hw2 by changing focal length //and adjusting the size of the projected surface accrodingly. //New surface = distance(surface, old viewpoint)/ distance(surface, new viewpoint) * old surface // = (deltaFl + fl + 1)/(fl + 1) * old surface //This is implemented by vPos = (dFl + fl + 1)/(fl + 1) * vPos; //Because we will multiply the resulting vPos by the transformation matrix //anyway, I smashed the ratio into the matrix into avoid doing this in shaders. void main() { gl_Position = vec4(aPos, 1.); trPos = transformation *vec3(aPos.xy, -1); }