import neo4j, json, re print('ver: 1.33') # dbprep fsroot = '/autograder/source/' datasets = ['databaseCreateQueries'] db = neo4j.GraphDatabase.driver('bolt://localhost:7687', auth = ('neo4j', '4Sfz541Lm')).session() points = (5,)*10 def postproc_str(data : str): # relaxed str matching return re.sub(r'[\s|_|.]', '', data.lower()) def postproc_keys(data : str): if type(data) is not str: return postproc_iter(data) _dict = {r'count\(\*\)': 'cnt', r'efamily': 'family', r'sname': 'aname', r'size\(continents\)': 'numberofcontinent'} data = postproc_str(data) for k, v in _dict.items(): data = re.sub(k, v, data) return data def comparator(a, b): cmp = lambda x, y: 1 if x < y else -1 if x > y else 0 try: return cmp(a, b) except Exception: from import Iterable def itcmp(a: Iterable, b: Iterable): if len(a) < len(b): return -1 elif len(a) == len(b): for aa, bb in zip(a, b): c = comparator(aa, bb) if c != 0: return c else: return 1 return 0 match (a, b): case (dict(), dict()): return itcmp([*a.keys(), *a.values()], [*b.keys(), *b.values()]) case (Iterable(), Iterable()): return itcmp(a, b) case _ if type(a) == type(b): return cmp(f'{a}', f'{b}') case _: return cmp(hash(type(a)), hash(type(b))) def postproc_iter(data, naive = False): from import Iterable from functools import cmp_to_key try: match data: case str(): return postproc_str(data) case dict(): return { (i if naive else postproc_keys(k)) : postproc_iter(v, naive) for i, (k, v) in enumerate(data.items()) } case Iterable(): # flatten, remove order and empty iterables res = type(data)( sorted( [postproc_iter(d, naive) for d in data if not isinstance(d, Iterable) or d] , key = cmp_to_key(comparator)) ) return res[0] if len(res) == 1 else res case _: # primitives return data except Exception as e: # fail proof print(e) return data def evaluate(query : str): query = query.strip() return [postproc_iter(, n) if query else None for n in (False, True)] while True: try:'RETURN 0') break except: continue for d in datasets: with open(fsroot + d + '.txt', encoding = 'utf-8') as f: from solution import sols answers = [evaluate(s) if type(s) is str else tuple(evaluate(k) for k in s) for s in sols ] # grading from os import listdir from importlib.util import module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location subroot = '/autograder/submission/' feedback = '' submissions = [subroot + f for f in listdir(subroot) if f.strip().lower().endswith('.py')] grade = 0 n_queries = len(sols) wa = rte = False if submissions: submission = submissions[0] for i in range(n_queries): feedback += f'Query {i + 1}: ' try: spec = spec_from_file_location('curr', submission) module = module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) q = getattr(module, f'query{i + 1}')() def eq(a: list, b): if type(b) is tuple: return any(eq(a, bb) for bb in b) else: return any(aa == bb for aa, bb in zip(a, b)) ans = evaluate(q) if eq(ans, answers[i]): grade += points[i] feedback += 'Correct.\n' else: wa = True feedback += 'Wrong Answer.\n' print('ans: ', ans, '\nsol: ', answers[i]) except Exception as e: rte = True feedback += 'Runtime Error.\n' print(e) else: feedback += 'No python file in submission.\n' if rte: feedback += ('\nPlease check for syntax errors if you encountered runtime errors.\n' + 'If you believe it\'s a mistake, contact the TA at for assistance.') # output results = { 'output': feedback, 'score': grade, 'max_score': sum(points), } with open('/autograder/results/results.json', 'w') as res: json.dump(results, res)