from typing import List
from engine.utils import base62uuid
# replace column info with this later.
class ColRef:
def __init__(self, k9name, _ty, cobj, cnt, table, name, id, order = None, compound = False):
self.k9name = k9name
self.type = _ty
self.cobj = cobj
self.cnt = cnt
self.table = table
self.name = name
self.id = id
self.order = order # True -> asc, False -> dsc; None -> unordered
self.compound = compound # compound field (list as a field)
self.views = []
self.__arr__ = (k9name, _ty, cobj, cnt, table, name, id)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.__arr__[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.__arr__[key] = value
class TableInfo:
def __init__(self, table_name, cols, cxt:'Context'):
# statics
self.table_name = table_name
self.alias = set([table_name])
self.columns_byname = dict() # column_name, type
self.columns = []
self.cxt = cxt
self.views = set()
self.rec = None
self.groupinfo = None
for c in cols:
# runtime
self.n_rows = 0 # number of cols
self.order = [] # assumptions
cxt.tables_byname[self.table_name] = self # construct reverse map
def add_col(self, c):
if type(c) is ColRef:
c = c.cobj
k9name = 'c' + base62uuid(7)
col_object = ColRef(k9name, (list(c['type'].keys()))[0], c, 1, self,c['name'], len(self.columns))
self.cxt.k9cols_byname[k9name] = col_object
self.columns_byname[c['name']] = col_object
def construct(self):
for c in self.columns:
def n_cols(self):
return len(self.columns)
def get_k9colname(self, col_name):
col = self.columns_byname[col_name]
if type(self.rec) is list:
return col.k9name
def add_alias(self, alias):
# TODO: Exception when alias already defined.
# TODO: Scoping of alias should be constrainted in the query.
self.cxt.tables_byname[alias] = self
def parse_tablenames(self, colExpr):
parsedColExpr = colExpr.split('.')
if len(parsedColExpr) <= 1:
return self.get_k9colname(colExpr)
datasource = self.cxt.tables_byname[parsedColExpr[0]]
if datasource is None:
raise ValueError(f'Table name/alias not defined{parsedColExpr[0]}')
return datasource.get_k9colname(parsedColExpr[1])
class View:
def __init__(self, context, table = None, tmp = True):
self.table: TableInfo = table
self.name = 'v'+base62uuid(7)
if type(table) is TableInfo:
self.context = context
def construct(self):
class Context:
def __init__(self):
self.tables:List[TableInfo] = []
self.tables_byname = dict()
self.k9cols_byname = dict()
self.udf_map = dict()
# read header
self.k9code = ''
with open('header.k', 'r') as outfile:
self.k9code = outfile.read()
# datasource will be availible after `from' clause is parsed
# and will be deactivated when the `from' is out of scope
self.datasource = None
def add_table(self, table_name, cols):
tbl = TableInfo(table_name, cols, self)
return tbl
def gen_tmptable(self):
from engine.utils import base62uuid
return f't{base62uuid(7)}'
def emit(self, codelet):
self.k9code += codelet + '\n'
def emit_nonewline(self, codelet):
self.k9code += codelet
def __str__(self):
return self.k9code
class ast_node:
types = dict()
def __init__(self, parent:"ast_node", node, context:Context = None):
self.context = parent.context if context is None else context
self.parent = parent
def emit(self, code):
def emit_no_ln(self, code):
name = 'null'
# each ast node has 3 stages.
# `produce' generates info for child nodes
# `spawn' populates child nodes
# `consume' consumes info from child nodes and finalizes codegen
# For simple operators, there may not be need for some of these stages
def init(self, _):
def produce(self, _):
def spawn(self, _):
def consume(self, _):
# include classes in module as first order operators
def include(objs):
import inspect
for _, cls in inspect.getmembers(objs):
if inspect.isclass(cls) and issubclass(cls, ast_node) and not cls.name.startswith('_'):
ast_node.types[cls.name] = cls